
No, they’re just literally following the directions on the bottle... “mix thoroughly... before pouring into douche bag”

So what’s the new plan? Bully him till he says something (else) reprehensible?

This is the thing we need to do. Dems in safe seat need to pop shots at Drumpf constantly. Keep him up off his seat. He has no composure. He has no poise or grace. He will respond in the most grating, childish manner possible.

He sat around complaining, doing oxy, and scoffing at the risk of smoking. He’s still complaining, went deaf from oxy, and his smoking got him stage 4 lung cancer. His memory will be preserved in jpegs and memes.

Doing this for Rush during the SOTU is taking the governing philosophy of “owning the libs” beyond a government practice and trying to take it to an art form.

The guy that was actively smoking cigars while mocking Michael J. Fox’s disease and saying out how billions of gallon oil spewing into the ocean isn’t that big of a deal got cancer... Hollywood ending.

Trump’s done far worse things in his presidency, but this hit me hard. I let my brain be poisoned by Limbaugh and his ilk back in my late teens before coming to my senses. It’s sickening that he got the Medal of Freedom. 

The next president could revoke it. Technically there’s no precedent for doing so (we had this conversation around Bill Cosby), but that doesn’t mean it can’t be done – there are no real rules around the medal in the first place since it was established by executive order and the president just issue a new one.

...purchasers of the property will be allowed to keep its “one-of-a-kind finishes,”

As this leaked image shows, the broken windows are part of the design.

He knows vegetables when he sees one.. he’s got at least two kids that are Veggies..

Maybe. But it won’t be useless against gigantic kittens!

Expect proposed legislation that removes the country-of-origin labeling requirement in the near future.

Nothing says I care about the unborn more than cramming a Glock into the waistband of your makeshift maternity wear.

There’s nothing more patriotic than crotch sweat on the American flag, so we all should be thanking Tanya and China for the opportunity instead of being critical.

And yet those discoveries were a very long time ago and the entirety has since stagnated. Having a theocracy take over with an iron fist is not as progressive as one might expect.

It’s comical that they’re using advanced science on an international scale to ferry a bunch of anti-science people to the site of their medieval ritual. 3rd world gonna 3rd world.

What in the original Top Gun was so realistic that makes you think this one will be?

It really does help me poop.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”