I think an argument could be made that the fact that Trump exists means God doesn’t.
I think an argument could be made that the fact that Trump exists means God doesn’t.
God doesn’t exists, next question.
Stay safe.
Fuck Trump. Can’t wait until my contract is up in 14 months, so I can run for the fucking hills....That is if I don’t die on some damned foolish Crusade during this Kuwait deployment I leave for tomorrow.😂
“According to Shapiro, Trump said he does plan to address the issue in his remarks tonight, which is sure to be relaxing and reassuring experience for everyone.”
mentally, physically, ideologically, politically, temperamentally...you name a ly, and he’s unfit for it.
He is not mentally fit for the job.
thats because racism has not only been legitimized, its been deemed patriotism.
Well, since we know he can’t read....
I’m waiting for that awful moment that Sean Spicer refers to a policy as a McMaster Plan
He’s sad. A sad man who buys friends. A sad man who managed to buy a presidency. If his only crime was his appalling taste in decor I could pity him.
Wait, why is he interviewing dictators for a position in his cabinet?!?!
I knew driver training in Germany was really, really good.
Hello. I’m not American. Can someone tell me why America thought it was a good idea to make a functionally illiterate man with severe personality disorders the President of the United States of America?
Trump is reported to care excessively about the appearance of his staffers.
Next you’re going to tell me her real name isn’t even Lady Gaga. THIS IS HORSESHIT.
This was great. You know why? Because, for all of 2 minutes, I wasn’t thinking about the next four years.
I live in Oregon, and I support a secession of the western states (OR, WA, CA) to form Pacifica.
If that doesn’t work, I’d like Canada to adopt us as Canada’s ballsack (look at the geography).
Tough shit. I’m tired of being Captain Save-a-Ho to the rest of the knuckle-dragging mouth-breathing country. It’s not MY job to drag you kicking and screaming into the 20th century.