
Don’t worry, Canada. This is just our devious plan to get Hillary elected AND put a spotlight on misogyny. It will all be over before you can say Moosehead.


He and Trump are saying all the things that desperate, about-to-lose people say just before they lose.

I suffered from moderate amounts of gas for years. Back in March I had a abscessed tooth and my dentist prescribed a 7-day course of an antibiotic. The pharmacist recommended I take a probiotic along with it, which I did. Apparently the antibiotic can kill off the good bacteria in the intestines, leaving you open

Somebody must be working on a carbon nanotube helmet that is very skeletal and light and comfortable and cool-looking.

Why does that gate entrance sign to Leavenworth look like a ransom note?

Some people are just headlong for a stony end.

Oh, sorry, I thought you said “Hysterical”.

Sounds like a job for crowdfunding if there ever was one.

“young girl with an amputated leg”

Yes. They are called voting booths.

Ten years from now, hearts will break and heads will roll.

That’s her “Please put me in your movie, Mr. Burton !” look.

Usually if I give myself a few weeks to mull over a purchase, I will talk myself out of it. It’s as if just the process of thinking about it satisfies my need for novelty. By then, only if it is something I really need will I go ahead and buy it.

Good for her. We may need to raise an Anti-Xenite army to protect her during her crusade.

This sounds good. A trick I ran across to liven up apple pies is to use the juice and zest of half a lime along with zest/juice of half a lemon on the sliced apples before adding flour/sugar/spices. Your grandma will be all “what the hell did you DO?”

Where do I sign the cunt declaration petition?