It’s close, but the diameter looks sub-optimal, and the contents not as well-constrained as Jason has specified. I think the concept warrants a new fast-food chain. Let’s call them Fast Rollers.
If you buy this type of blade, you should test them immediately. One pair of this type did not work on our van because the blade was too stiff and did not conform to the windshield, leaving a gap in the middle where the blade did not contact the glass.
If you buy this type of blade, you should test them immediately. One pair of this type did not work on our van…
#ladieswithballs #pointsforthinkingbig
Nothing oddly about it.
Nothing oddly about it.
Names for future barges...
Could we see a little less weiner here ?!?!
After seeing the takeoff in PA2SK’s posted video, and seeing that the fuel is in Zapata’s backpack, the whole thing feels more legit. I look forward to seeing this in a James Bond film sometime soon.
What makes me skeptical is 1) The device seems awfully small to generate the necessary sustained thrust. 2) They cut away and do not show the entire takeoff sequence. 3) Same with the landing sequence. There are too many opportunities for video fakery.
People think they need a $100-$200 pressure washer to whiten their dingy concrete driveways. Buy a $10 pump sprayer and fill it with bleach, and it will take 1/10th the amount of time.
People think they need a $100-$200 pressure washer to whiten their dingy concrete driveways. Buy a $10 pump sprayer…
When you have a lot of space to fill, whether radio, video, or social media, eventually some of it is going to be bullshit. I call this the Limbaugh effect.
Ransomware the suckers and bleed them dry.
My best coffee maker is the pair of 52-ounce plastic cups I got at Circle-K for 50 cents about 10 years ago, that I use to cold-brew a batch once a week. Hot-brewed is just too bitter for me now.
My best coffee maker is the pair of 52-ounce plastic cups I got at Circle-K for 50 cents about 10 years ago, that I…
Delayed gratification is a lesson everyone should learn. It will serve you well in life.
Yes. I’ve been cold-brewing for about 5 years now. I will never go back to heat. Home-ground blend of Starbucks House and Dunkin Donuts does it for me.
And yet, you still expect us to read your minds.
“Whatever you do, don’t use the cigarette lighter.” - Maxwell Smart
Same way a car turns into a driveway.
“Switzer managed to complete the race in 4:20....”
Some people are toxic and they will cause you to self-destruct unless you just get the hell away from them. I still get angry thinking about a person I worked with over 10 years ago. Deep breath, think about kittens and rainbows.