
Here’s your first album cover

Dare I suggest the name “Black Metal Matters” ?

Just when I thought I was out.....

“Paranormal hoax” Isn’t that like “wet water” ?

I wonder if the insurance rates go up with a used booster. I can imagine the actuaries scratching their heads... “It is used, but then again, it is proven.”

And what’s with the racism in the rubber hand industry?

Now you have to train him to get over his phobia of paint stirrers.

Dolfinald Trumphalump

They need something like this to clean the stains off the Gateway Arch in St. Louis.

The blob will merge with the duct tape and become Duct-Zilla !

Yeah, it seems like as soon as I lose a little weight, I put Samoan.

You win the Samoan Internet for the day.

Jane has some.

If you build a big one, does it make a wormhole?

I tried one of these back in 1978. If all world leaders believed that these are what they would have to eat after a nuclear exchange, they would get rid of all nuclear weapons ASAP.

Be strong, my friend.

Just as you are saying, “I think I’ve seen this awful thing before...” You drop dead. And the next generation has to learn the same lessons all over again.

Everything is better with sleazy 70's music.

Chinese remote-hack trojan deflate-bot. Routed through Clinton servers.