My immediate and visceral reaction to seeing that top screenshot was “I hate this.” Then my brain throbbed a bit.

I too like Waluigi for the psychological space he occupies in this franchise.

“I never understand why people who draw fanart don’t just draw original subjects

Oh thank god, someone complaining about something that doesn't affect them in any way whatsoever, I was afraid we weren't going to get more than a thousand today

It’s ok, we won’t come and take your 70 dollar 2k21 from you, we know you’ll be busy paying in your microtransactions

Oh no not a free game from a motivated fan. /s


A friend of mine linked me this a few hours ago. As a relatively pretty man who also builds his own computers, I am saddened to be reminded that I will never be the prettiest man who does computer stuff while Henry Cavill lives, even with all the makeup and eyeshadow I wear...

I so badly want to hate him, but I just

Even if we assume that there’s no racist connotation (and no *possible* way anyone could harness it to be racist), it could still very much be used for harassment purposes due to this being a multiplayer shooter (which are notorious for having toxic players) and the direct relationship of a noose with the concept of

Taken in the context of the character I understand what you’re getting at.  But the problem is that this doesn’t just have implications with the character of McCree but also with how the players will use it.  That noose spray was almost always used in the context of “hanging” another character as people would overlay

Other than, you know, the obvious things like lynch mobs, the KKK, but you’re right, no real negative implications tied to that image.

An image they made several years ago probably wasn’t exactly on their radar until someone pointed it out at a meeting. At which point they probably went “oh, you’re right, let’s fix that”.

In an RPG though there are often multiple paths to success. Sure, bosses may have a particular gimmick you have to adjust to and plan around, but once you figure it out you still have options on how to deal with it.

For now, I can say that while this certainly is not the return to the full-on RPG style for which fans of The Thousand-Year Door have been clamoring, neither does it seem to have the balance problems of the series’ other recent games. Has Nintendo finally cracked the formula? We’ll find out soon.

This is a shining-bright example of how the fucking scum of the Internet hides behind their keyboards spamming “KYS BITCH, NOBODY LOVES YOU, YOU’RE FUCKING WORTHLESS!!” until they actually do it.


I just...don’t understand. I couldn’t even finish the article because I just don’t understand the central conceit.

This game was a huge disappointment to me. Lightsaber mods you can barely notice, spending 30 minutes to get to a previously unreachable area only to be rewarded with a poncho, and exploring ancient ruins were all door knobs are two ton brass balls.