If you had played the original Nier you’d know the references are actually pretty big, and spoil some of the big moments and reveals. But do play it, it’s a very cool game imo. Especially the second playthrough is worth a lot.

The dynamic between papa Nier and Emil is actually one of the best parts of Gestalt. Nier ends up coming across as a loving father figure to him and it results some of the best scenes in the game.


But that's not a "real crowbar," I don't understand how that quote applies

I don't understand what I'm supposed to be seeing here

Guys I’m probably dumb but how is this working? Are the pros sitting in their living rooms with mic's and controllers in hand? Or are they sitting in some kind of arcade like machine that better replicates driving a real car?

I’ve never played AC and its not the kind of game that I’d be into but it’s super cool seeing people get so excited about this new one.

Sir, this is an Arby’s.

Fuck off with the transphobia 

They lost me at “open world”. Burnout is awful in the open world format, as evidenced by Burnout Paradise. All they need to do is make a new Dangerous Driving game like the first one, but with an actual budget. That game was great for what it was, but it was so lacking in presentation, UI, music, etc.

The franchise has embraced the dub changes, so that’s a no-go. In fact, they’ve pretty much fazed out “Chosen Children” entirely for “Digidestined” even in Japan. 

I know I have mentioned it before here, but the original series was amazing for kids because it touched on so many issues that directly affect kids. Childhood is often just portrayed as this whimsical, carefree time of life where you don’t have to worry about the bigger issues going on in the political realms, but

Well if that’s the case then sorry - my bad!

Pretty sure that response was to OP’s comments on the first letter writer, not the third letter writer. 

LW1 got a really good reply, though to be fair good replies are easier when a situation is as clear-cut as that. I also appreciate how the good Doctor passed on commenting on LW1's certain thoughts and opinions that are certainly worth reexamining in the long term but wouldn’t help with the situation at all in the

What’s so horrifically abusive about wanting to set boundaries and such in a relationship? You’re not making sense. Seems like a pretty common sense thing to do actually - to me anyway, who’s a logical person.

But he was a GENTLEMAN. She was BRATTY.

Wait....don't they use bidet?

Blurry rock textures - NOW IN GLORIOUS 8K!!!

Meanwhile, Bethesda has announced that Skyrim - Specially Enhanced Special Edition for PS5 and Series X will be available at launch for only $39.99!