Damn. I wish I was that good.

0%? You a fellow Junkrat main?

I usually finish Overwatch matches with 0% accuracy. I should start a YouTube channel.

Why waste his time trying to make people like you happy that he never can when he can focus his energy on actually righting the wrongs?

A better and more accurate narrative is that he overpromised on the original game and was rightly excoriated by the press and the public for it, but after several years of close, honest communication with the gaming community and (free) quality content updates adding tons of additional features and polish to the game

I think we can all agree that these people are jerks, and that being a jerk doesn’t mean it’s okay to steal from them. Cheating in a game is still, you know, a game, identity theft is a crime. 

I think you might run into the issue of a shared family computer with an unwitting teen trying to get a leg up. Teens have no qualms about cheating at games themselves,(but damn anyone else that does) and often fail to see greater consequences to their actions with their still developing brains.  

So conflicted.

The Kotaku NSFW fishhhh how i missed you old friend.

Thats some sweet Kotaku fish action right there.

WOW. The sheer amount of RELIEF in that guy’s voice when he says “This game is done. I’m done.” Breaking down into tears.

I just want to say there’s something... wholesome? about the SMB1 record being recorded with a camera pointed at a screen instead of a capture card. Gets back to the roots.

You must have missed the part where they were offered the slot, agreed to it, then pulled at the very last minute and not given a reason. This after advertising to their audience and spotlighting PAX. That is as shady as busines practices come.

They don't care about any of that. All they want is refunds for their fans. That's it

That’s not the point here. Colin said repeatedly that he doesn’t believe he’s owed a platform, and that he’s happy to stay away from where he’s not welcome. The problem is that they gave him a panel, very clearly told him it was okay to advertise to his fans that he’d be there, and then took it away AFTER him and a

Chris is a liberal and the podcast is apolitical. This article seems so misinformed. Calling  Chris a conservative talking head is insane.

Seriously he sets the bar for sportsmanship at the events!

It’s one big reason I really like SonicFox. He seems like a great person, besides being an excellent player and having solid choice in callname.

I’ve only heard a bit about him, but stuff like this makes me understand the support he gets.

Man, SonicFox was a fantastic sport about it as well.  Cheered him on and everything after the match.  That’s the kind of sportsmanship we need in all big tournaments!