Don't know if you're being sarcastic, but WW2 actually will be in the next AC this year haha, there was a Kotaku article about it recently.
Don't know if you're being sarcastic, but WW2 actually will be in the next AC this year haha, there was a Kotaku article about it recently.
So, so glad that the Big N is doing better. The 3DS and Wii U took a bit of time to warm up, but the 3DS is absolutely on fire right now and the Wii U is getting hot too, I'm glad to support them and both platforms have their fair share of incredible exclusive titles :)
You're welcome ;)
At least you have a rad accent! :P
So, does this graphical and frame rate improvment make the game worth playing, or is it still a mess like Kotaku and other review sites have stated? :/ I was super excited for this game as a huge RE4 fan.
Quantum Break, Killer Instinct, Forza, Halo, Sunset Overdrive, that's off the top of my head. I really, really loved Alan Wake and American Nightmare on 360 so I will definitely have borrow (and find a friend) with an XB1 and borrow it for when Quantum Break comes out, maybe I could let them borrow my PS4 and some…
As far as "Sharing" goes on PS4, this is by far the most innovative and awesome use of it so far. Gah so cool :)
Wow, the two player idea is bloody brilliant. It's like couch co op only online, this would be amazing for games like Smash Wii U, tight on funds but your friend has Smash and you wanna play with them across the country? Just "share" the game with them, you can both play each other online or go head to head against…
What I don't understand is, if you're going to include a second analog style of control on the console, why not just include another circle pad? There's clearly plenty of space for a circle pad and 4 buttons underneath it, ugh. Oh well, this is better than nothing I suppose :S
*click* That was the sound of me adding that video to my favorites. Thanks for sharing it! :)
This looks right up your alley :2…
It kinda makes sense that the 360 did a lot better than the One is doing, sense MS's consoles have traditionally never been very successful in Japan but the 360 was launched at a very competitive price and a year earlier than the PS3 or Wii (December 10, 2005 for 360 launch in Japan vs November 11th, 2006 for PS3…
This and Kingdom Hearts 3 for me, so hype!
Nice one, very good translation :)
Thank you for your honest impressions! This seems quite consistent with what I've seen, I'll definitely try out the demo for myself but especially having an OG 3DS (Cramping/screen issues) I'll likely wait for the Wii U version haha
I honestly hadn't thought of it that way, that's a really good perspective on it and while I never hated the roster because of the clones, it did put a slight damper on it for me. But this certainly helps me see it the way you're saying though, and I am quite glad with a ton of the new chars we got :)
MORE LIKE DUCKING ADORABLE AM I RI-*gets thrown out of the comment section forever*
I'm definitely open to giving it another shot! I still quite enjoyed it to clarify haha, the Mass Effect series as a whole is one of my absolute favorites and I hope 4 lives up to the trilogy :D