Hahaha, with all these comments saying how great 2 is I'm definitely open to trying it again fresh with biotic powers again. (And just to clarify I didn't dislike 2, I love all 3 games I just had more fondness for the first and third game :P)
Hahaha, with all these comments saying how great 2 is I'm definitely open to trying it again fresh with biotic powers again. (And just to clarify I didn't dislike 2, I love all 3 games I just had more fondness for the first and third game :P)
You know, I actually really agree with a lot of what you said and I can definitely see it being the Empire since it's a pretty dark sequel and ups the ante on everything haha. The characters really did get a lot more development, and I think it really was just my near TPS way of playing the game that made me not enjoy…
I've always loved Mass Effect 1 and 3, but not 2 as much. A lot of that is due to my enjoyment of those game's overall stories over 2, but the reason I bring this up is because I didn't enjoy 2 as much but looking back it's a lot due to how I was playing it. I was a Soldier class in 2, meaning I abused the constant…
I didn't think it could get much creepier than the thumbnail. Then I clicked play. I was wrong. So. Wrong. D:
Not as far as I know, but GameXplain on Twitter seems to be updating good details about it though! https://twitter.com/GameXplain
Hand gestures sound neat at first, but having to take your hand off of the controller severely limits it from ever being used very well in conjunction with traditional playing imo. But the voice command thing would definitely be neat! Luckily all that takes is literally a microphone (I remember Mario Party 6 for GCN…
Getting huge Mega Man X vibes, and since that's my all time favourite Mega Man game I'm super hype! Love the dashing into enemies mechanic and how it pauses for a split second, I always enjoy when games employ that because it always feels super satisfying.
So, it's actually confirmed that you're the Kotaku commenter of history of forever right? I didn't think I could like you more :D
I remember playing THPS1 and just playing the first level with this Superman by Goldfinger on infinite loop as a kid, ah the 90's...
That sounds amazing and terrifying at the same time, bahaha.
Kotaku could use more people like you :D
I think he's talking about the 14 other grayed our comment strings :P
I agree, T1 as a film felt more like a horror movie and T2 felt more like an action movie in general. I love them both (T2 a bit more) but I've always preferred T1's theme because it feels more atmospheric in a way, whole T2 still feels grand but not quite as haunting as you put it.
I don't think you could've nailed it any harder, nicely done.
Imagine if they announced Prime 4 for Wii U and a new 2D Metroid for 3DS :O
Looking back at the trailer after playing the game I completely agree. I can't think of a single scenario where the bad guys would wanna hang Elizabeth. (Regardless I do remember it getting me excited about the game so I guess it worked :P)
Remember, to get the HM for surf you have to reach the old man and give him his teeth but there's a step restriction in the Safari Zone, it'll kick you out when you've walked around for 50 steps :P