lllllllooololl.........I just pooped my self...
lllllllooololl.........I just pooped my self...
You don’t open up two fronts....Not a good ideaer to go into Russia in winter.....
Time to liberate Berlin AGAIN!! Fuck, these Euros can’t keep shit together!!
Option 1.
What the hell is going on with the flares??
Jay Leno’s garage and WD...some lame ones that i watch anyway;
Max manly....Up until he hold his nose closed like a 6 year old little girl before hitting the water...
Wrong Doug!!!! Everybody wants your hummer!!
I have no doubt that the Volt is the better car. Based on Matt Farrah and Cris Harris as well as other Volt owners such as your self. However, I just can’t get ove the fact that GM likes to KILL their customer’s with a fiery fire ball of hell....Toyota had issues as well and they acted on it much better then GM ever…
A few souruces have claimed 65MPG+ for the none plug in....This will be my next DD. Curently have the 2005 and I could not have a more boring and uneventful drive to work...And that’s how I like it...
She bumped him??? What the fuck is he doing riding the wrong way into traffic??? Follow the road rules dip shit!!
Ahhhh....Religion is just so magic.....
Late 80’s Sex...
1988 XJS V12 Convertible Salvage....$2500 bucks....But it would really cost you like $45k to make it last a few more years...
And this is exactly how the USA will bring China down to it’s knees. We did the same thing to Russia back in 90’s....
Odd place to put a blow off valve...
Zo..how many Juz can one fit in Ze Volkswagen Käfer....