It’s all about charging. Porsche does not have charging infrastructure, Tesla does. I suspect that Porsche simply said “yes, we can build an EV”, only for those that have multiple homes and can change their PEV at home.
It’s all about charging. Porsche does not have charging infrastructure, Tesla does. I suspect that Porsche simply said “yes, we can build an EV”, only for those that have multiple homes and can change their PEV at home.
What the hell happend at 5:55???
The only person that can really pull off the 4 door convertible look was Hitler and we all know how that went down......
I got one after I totaled my Honda Civic HB. I purchased it b/c it looked really good. Unreliable POS, reason for not seeing any on the roads. Every once in a while I see one here and there and think to my self, “why is it still running? What’s going on with the grenade under the hood”?
3 pedal 430 Scuderia
How much for that duck? Let me check with my manager....
Very late-term abortion needs to be applied here with extreme prejudice!
It is so dusty in my office today, my eyes are broken and leaking some sort of liquid substance.....
$306,87.....Not bad...
Gin & Tonic cans...
VW ist Kabut, shiesse, sheisee, seheisse!!!
Those ankles look HOT!!
2JZ swap....3......2....1......
What about the 911 R...Where does one cram the R into the line up hole?
This is like playing Russian roulette with all holes filled with 357 Magnums.
Is it devil wheel drive?
Ronin already did that in 1998.
Scratch the BMW transmission and go with a Tremec.