
I didn’t know Moby is into stills...

Jezza:Wilman you need to quit the BBC ASAP....We got a new gig...

Those jets need black deep dish wheels and mortgage re-fi....I make good deal bro...


Soooooooo much gooooooooodddddddd....

Tymon should have hit him back....Then it would have been a null situation.....On that bomb shell, I had a fracas with a top gear producer....Goodnight see you next week...BOOOOOOMMMM.....100m more viewers....


This is the most excellent news. May and Hammond won't do the show w/o Jezza Eubanks. Any production company would be out of their mind not to hire them and give them whatever they want. Call the show 7th Gear and BOOM!!! Built in 100M+ audience. If they truly fire Ali Jezza, then the BBC has a giant cunt....

I just 7-uped every1

A wing on top of a wing...It...it..it is grounded to the ground....

A Saint out of the car....A Satan in the car.....RIP...

Well, I'll looking forward to the leaked episode....

That does not look like a Canadian guy. Looks like a foreigner, deport him ASAP!! Small little French guy, if it was in QB....

Kids are like snow flakes. Each has their own kind of crazy. Don't buy books or read parenting magazine/blogs...Those are like cooking shows, you'll never make that shit in real life.

SSR = PT???

Some one imported a SSR?? WTF???

Everyone knows real terrorist use Toyota trucks! If it is a half-bad ass terrorist, then it would be like a Nissan P/U Frontier. Old school reformed terrorist use Nissan Patrol's.

"The transmission is not as refined as I expected. Really abrupt downshifts, especially in lower gears. Transmission hunts for gears at certain speeds. Sometimes when it hasn't fully changed gears and you step on the gas it just sits there for a second then abruptly goes into gear and lurches forward"

I think the buffalo saw the bear on the plate and was like.....FUCK THIS SHIT!!

Which limp dick version are we going to get??