
Yelp 4.5 stars.....

We have come full circle then....

BMW designer did the front for sure, that front looks like x5...All that twin-charge-hybrid-starter motor back up front wheel drive is super easy to fix and cheap...it also last a long long time...oh no wait..it will 5 miles from the dealer....

Chappy don't give a fuck about all that Bear or Mirage or Typhoon....Chappy only fucks with F16 Iron Eagle's....

Ima fuck dat shit up

Or maybe skip this turd and get this, plus a 3rd pedal and moveable stick thing comes with it....FOR FREE

I wish my 3rd gen 4Runner was 5MT and 4x4 v6 :(

Ah yes.....Dutch language, you can literally rip out your tongue if you are not careful. I'm kidding b/c I love. Holland is a bad ass country and the people are super kool. Who else has coffee shops, sex shops, coffee shops, sex shops, whores and whores and whores, every like 200 feet...

Suzuki Sidekick!!

As soon as I get my fucking head out of this truck, I'll peck is dick off......

here you go....

Is supposed to be a day walker or does just have a AIDS??

Will it baby or does it come with a long wheel base version for two small seats??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

You can see the po-po at 20:28...I wonder if it was staged, hope not...

Touch interface and info fucktard screens. LOOK AT THE FUCKING ROAD NOT THE 7 INCH SCREEN!!

English cars, sea water....Electronics are bomb proof.....Come get your deeply discounted RR and Mini's....

Air Asia, you are drunk. Go home!

Mad Maxian-automotive playground

Can't you just cancel it since it is just a deposit?