
Hey Poland, we are in ze neighborhood.....

Oh GOD.....That went bad real fast....


It is a good start, needs a pair of large nails....

I ain't mad about the tall blonde's....I just try to be a little less jewie....

Bernie says think before you bust knee caps?

Well this American F1 team is off to a wrong start...WTF!!

Medical Expense?? Do what everyone else does, get it done and then declare bankruptcy when the bill comes in. If you don't want to do bankruptcy, let the bill ride for 7~10 years and it will be gone from your credit record. Boom, you still get to keep your car...

WTF??!!! Tow it out to sea for a few miles and let the sharks and other ocean things eat the fucker...

Go home Northern Ireland, you are drunk...

I'm ok with the wheel flares and the fat rims, chin spoiler. But the giant ass whale tail wing has to go. Maybe Jay Leno can have some of his cars in the garage for a closer look. Any one know Jay?

Good! Fuck Irvine! I would say move to El Toro base, but Irvine Company is building chicken shit box's over there too. The "construction" workers might complain about sweet engine noise's......

I have come to the conclusion that Trucks are completely useless, unless you fall within the following categories;

Safe and satisfying every time. I get it now...Where can I find a basket case 355 or better yet a 512 BBi....

Why restore a stolen 1996 F355?? They goo for like $57k with a little over 10k miles and you know, it's working and driving...

16k and another 2k for the IMS and other stuff seems like a good deal...

Can you really blame the Dutch for being crazy....The drugs, the pornography, the dairy products and dike's....

Question. I know most German cars are kaput around 60k~80k miles. But, can one expect 200k+ miles on a DD 996 w/o a engine/trans/electrical re-build?

I have the perfect car for you. Porsche 993 any version would do and I am not a Porsche fan boy. I just like the looks and the water cooled engine. Also, it was the last of the breed.

There is at least 30~40 million dollars of Cobra's there......That black one with the pink slip has to be like 20 mill....