
Just how does one “subdue” an armed gunman closing on one’s position, refusing to follow orders? You have five seconds. Answer correctly or you die. Go.

Oh, yes. The two-year-old who is throwing a tantrum and kicking at your shins should be given the lollipop he wants.


Intercepting a high, fast flier from the ground is a fairly challenging task. The target is in the mid to upper 30s and doing about .84 IMN. If you’re behind him, you’ll be struggling to climb and accelerate and run him down before you run yourself out of gas. Even if you’re in front of him, making the intercept

In your article, you frequently compared positive G and “eyeball back” G (the kind you feel in an accelerating car) without differentiating between the two. The two have very different effects, in terms of what they do to a human body under high G loads.

I have to say, when I’m travelling alone and seated in the jet, watching the stream of passengers making their way down the aisle, I am always hoping for a small, well-groomed person to be my seat neighbor. With few exceptions, this ideal person is a woman. Our shoulders don’t touch. Her elbow can sit aft and mine

Maybe if, rather than being shouted down before they can say a word, they were given the opportunity to speak, you might be able to better understand your fascination.

When a person tries to kill herself, is the recommended remedy to give her what she claims she lacks that would supposedly make them happy/complete/not suicidal anymore? Because, this is a very dangerous precedent.

Amen. As an SMU grad who was there for the Death Penalty, it sickens me to see Penn State back on top after only a slap on the wrist for repeated instances of institutionally-condoned, homosexual pedophilic rape. My school, by comparison, is still wallowing below .500 and is only, now, 25 years later showing signs

It just doesn’t sound very funny.

Rosy cheeks. Cherry-red nose. Sounds like a caucasian man who has been out in the cold, to me. Of course, you’re free to imagineer anything your mind can dream up, but just because you can dream it don’t make it so.

Shoot, I own a tuned Mk7 GTI, and I didn’t know any of that. Great post!

Whistleblower. Treasonous traitor.

Who’s the U-boat commander?

Has anyone considered the possibility that Manning’s rule-breaking behavior, perhaps including this suicide attempt, are a pattern of behavior executed by a dissatisfied person who is resisting the judgement and confinement levied by the UCMJ system?

Not preheating an oven means that the food will be immediately exposed to a broiler for 10 to 20 minutes, since the elements will go to red hot to bring the oven up to temperature. Such broiler exposure may not be compatible with the recipe.

They should have led with the headline, “American person wins a second medal.” That would have been factual, thoroughly adequate, and perfectly uninteresting.

Is it just me, or does this story seem to have less to do with the two women passengers’ being Muslim and more to do with an overly-sensitive flight attendant overreacting and escalating to one of their criticism of the FA staff’s handling of the delay service?

Or, he might have said, “Can you please stop kicking my seat?” and the father might have said, “Don’t tell my [special snowflake] son what to do.”

This analysis is ridiculous.