
He didn’t fly across the English Channel.  He flew half-way across the English Channel, twice.  Change my mind.

Totally agree. Records that state the pilot “flew from A to B” imply the flight was a single leg. Those who claim such records while stopping for fuel/repairs/sleep are ridiculous.

At what point did “reasonable precaution” jump the shark to “booger-eating overreaction”?

We live near downtown Houston, which has a growing population of, ahem, urban campers. They are not shy about approaching people, and especially women, and aggressively soliciting donations to support their chosen lifestyles.

We kind of spur-of-the-moment bought an M3 AWD a week ago, so I’m way too new at this to be a fan boy. I *am* a lifetime car guy, who has rebuilt a carb, rebuilt a brake system, pushed sportbikes hard, owned sports cars, etc. I’d put the M3 up against any other car on the road, at any price, with the exception of its

To continue your analogy, if Dunkin corporate makes an app so the end users can locate the nearest franchisee and order a dozen long johns and a large coffee online, the end users are still not corporate’s customers; corporate has just added value for its customers (the franchisees) and will charge them accordingly.

Your math is pretty good. But, take out a student loan for tuition, and assume that after four years of hard work and sacrifice you’ll jump from $20K per year to, say, $40K per year, and you have now described the way it’s supposed to work.

That’s not how any Constitutionally literate person interprets the 2A, nor is it how the SCOTUS sees it, either. It’s an individual right, just like speech, press, and religion. If it’s not, it is the only amendment in the BOR to enumerate a “right” of a governmental organization (which is impossible, BTW; people have

Why such a huge QR code? A single URL can be QRed with a much smaller (fewer pixels) image.

So having homeless people roam the streets at night is less dangerous than having homeless people sleeping in beds inside a building near you at night”

“All-lady spacewalk CNX; couldn’t find anything to wear.”

Yea!!! I knew, given enough time, these adorable lady astronauts would manage to do some things men have been doing since the 60s. You go, girls!*

So, I flew with and shot the Aim-54 Phoenix missile. It was originally designed to intercept high, fast Russian fliers, coming over the horizon in waves to launch cruise missiles at our boats. It was a thousand pound, Mach 5, 80,000 foot capable, little wing man, with its own radar for terminal guidance. If you were

He would have had to

Here’s a good one:

Here’s a good one:

Six miles in 35 minutes means a sub-6:00 mile x 6 miles. If you can walk that, enter the Olympics. Similarly, you’d be maintaining 24 MPH on a bike for 15 minutes straight: it’s possible, but rare in normal humans.

So, it would be easy, then, to just say what needed to be done about the guns prior to the Santa Fe murders. What should have been done about the guns that would have stopped that ghoulish kid from his rampage? Just say it.

Good thing humans decided to never use fire, since it has the capacity to burn, when misused.