
Yeah, let’s make sure we don’t place any blame on a country that is a hotbed for more of these pandemic capable diseases because of their policies and for covering up the initial COVID outbreak. Oh and silencing doctors and members of the media that spoke out. Nothing wrong happening there, no sir.

It is cheaper to buy ($20,000) in my state. I can charge at work for free. There is no maintenance besides a cabin air filter every 30,000 miles. You are always in the right gear. You dont have to downshift to pass. You have full torque at 0 RPM. The battery pack makes the center of gravity low and minimizes body roll

I’m about 90% sure I’m going to exchange my TLX for one of these and a Tundra. I have a 75 mile round trip commute, and in my state full electrics get HOV access. Even if it had a 250 mile range I’d need a different vehicle for weekend adventures, so 110 and a low price tag just means I can afford a better truck. Win

you dont have to go out of your way to stop by your local gas station ever, and electricity cost per mile is about half the cost of gasoline here in the US (US gas is also pretty cheap). between detour/lights/stopping/filling/getting back on track, annually you probably save yourself $700~$800 in fuel plus 8~10 hours

It doesn’t look like a state healthcare provided medical device (leaf), a squashed biscuit (volt/ampere) or a virtue signalling/I’m a dickhead sign (Tesla). It does normal car with normal car looks better.  Fuck range.  Range is fine for most people.

Oh no! They had to pay taxes on a free car!

So you want to nationalize the Supercharger Network, a private asset financed by Tesla investors as a strategic advantage? That would be a perfect way to destroy it (see history of all nationalized assets ever). If VW, etc. want their own network, build it. If the US wants a nationwide charging network, build it.

Now playing

Seems she thought that she was...above the law.

That’s what is so annoying about this story. The feat is quite impressive, but the way it is told feels like a con. Find something eleven miles wide and fly across that.

I see where you are going with this.... I also hope his next attempt includes air-to-air refueling.

If you want to nitpick, he flew three halves of the English Channel, one on the first try and two on his successful flight. Now you try doing it.

Does it really count as flying over the English channel if he has to stop half way to refuel?

So a rip off on the ....

My wife has relayed these concerns to me. She doesn’t even want to even go and buy gas for her current car at night.

I carry a USB battery that (1) can do fast-charging, and (2) has an enormous capacity so I never ever worry about it running out (I can get 15 full charges out of mine). I haven’t plugged into an airport power outlet in years.

Yes, plenty, not in the US

The main difference is that the Model 3 has Superior motors, Better Recharging times, Better cooling management, Far more sporty, Access to newer updates. In many ways, the Model 3 is an outright superior car to the Model S for about half the price.

That’s a shitty take. And here I was thinking you were a gentleman for not spoiling the R&T article and at least getting Jalops to click over to it. Or, gasp, actually pay for a magazine. 


“Ok, we’ll get some beds and improve the conditions.


So, wait, are we against helping make the conditions better... or... what?

Wait, what? I can upgrade the performance of my car with these “aftermarket” parts you say? Is there maybe a magazine or a website that would discuss these things?