
Well, there was the recent “Assault Weapon” ban, which banned rifles with cosmetic features that made them look scary, but that were functionally no different than any modern self-loading rifle. Before that, “Saturday Night Specials” were the demonized guns du jour, after Hinkley shot Reagan, but they were simply

Someone who rapidly vacillates between crying and rage might not be the best suited to recommend national policy decisions.

From the same article:

Your solution is perfect, since current map and GPS technology usually drops me off a block away from my actual destination and often doesn’t know about restricted-turn road islands.

It’s a good thing she’s a celebrity, or the headline would have read, “Stoned mother recklessly endangers her toddler by cannonballing drugs and booze on airplane.”

Maybe the overzealous DA should have a) prosecuted them on more winnable charges, b) presented better evidence, or c) both.

Agreed. I served honorably for 8 years, flew in combat over Iraq, had almost 1000 hours in the F-14A, got 260 traps, and will never be eligible to be buried at Arlington. I’m not upset; them’s just the rules.

Not related, but related:

Where is the outrage over the 5,000 gallons of Jet-A Swift burnt “hustling” from party to wedding back to party? That’s more non-renewable fuel than most people burn in a year. Oh, the CO2 humanity!!!

The disc brakes also get very hot.

You are killing it in this discussion. Seriously.

No, during standard ejection, the aircrew pulling the seats’ handles would initiate the full ejection sequence. That included a SMDC cord blowing the bolts off the canopy and igniting a gas generator in the canopy strut to launch the canopy up and aft. That action was immediately followed in the sequence by the RIO

Hey Joe! There were a couple others I remember. Applying rudder while above certain airspeeds and g loads would cause a coupled departure. That actually happened to one of my JO buddies, on cruies. He and his RIO went fully-developed upright, chose to stay with the jet applying the alternate anti-spin procedures, and

It is, but the prohibition is not on barrel rolls; it is on more than one pure roll. The Tomcat begins to mush her tail out the more she rolls in one direction, and holding a roll will eventually depart the jet.

No. The boldface procedure literally says “If flat spin... Canopy - Jettison, EJECT - RIO Command EJECT.” Other times where ejection is required (such as dual engine failure or an inextinguishable fire) did not require the canopy to be jettisoned.

WTF are you talking about?

“However, I feel intelligence plays...”

By what measures are the US armed forces stronger for having integrated women? I’d like to see some actual sources of scientific data, not just anecdotal evidence of fine individual performance.

Maybe not while flying the jets, but these women have not been shot down and put in evasion and survival situations, yet, where they might need to run and/or carry their fellow aircrew. Neither have they been aboard an aircraft carrier that has been hit, necessitating their participation in shipboard damage control or