
A thousand hours in a tactical jet will take a military pilot between four and six years of operational flying. That would mean that an applicant would have completed college, flight school, a sea tour of three years, and a shore tour of two years (likely Test Pilot School, during which time he would almost certainly

"Text messages are ruining this country. Look at the spelling and grammer it is causing."

Also, the noun "text messages" in your first sentence does not match the pronoun "it" in your second sentence.

This was a great story by CBS Sunday Morning News about a professional photographer that takes "glamour shots" of adoptable pets to greatly increase their adoption rates.

Fuelly is a great web page for fuel tracking and comparison with other drivers' results.

Variables don't. Constants aren't.

Naturally, you have an appointment made to sterilize yourself, right?

Some amplification to the article and corrections to the comments. I have 260 traps aboard (mostly) the Independence and the Kennedy, one hundred of which were at night, all in the F-14A Tomcat. I was a RIO, in the backseat, though, so take what I have to say with a grain of salt; the stick monkeys see slightly

For the toilet repair, you'd be better off using some silicone grease. Petroleum jelly will further deteriorate the rubber seal that it is temporarily "helping."

Your statement is incorrect. Lead bullets fly much farther and more accurately than do tranquilizer darts. Delivering a properly dosed dart in a velocity window somewhere between "hard enough to be accurate and to deliver the meds" and "soft enough not to punch through and maim the animal" is a very difficult

I wonder how long before the TSA moves in.

You'd be surprised how much information you can process, and how much you can tune out. I often find myself wishing my car could display more information than it does. Sadly, I believe manufacturers build their cars for the technological lowest common denominator, so a nicely cluttered HUD would likely alienate more

If my kids are any example, they're safe regardless of the study's validity:

The tallest fighter aircrews I knew were 6'4". I believe there were taller guys in helos.

Landing grades don't mean much, unless they are really good or really bad.

Here's the scoop on what you're seeing.

Tilleys have had these secret compartments for years. Great hats.

Fukushima Reactors Are "Essentially Stable"?