Phil Zimmermann, creator of PGP. Fought the law, and HE won.
Phil Zimmermann, creator of PGP. Fought the law, and HE won.
Ground up and in the freezer...
Just store it upside-down, on its plastic cap.
@KRISTEN PHILIPKOSKI, Could you cite your source on item #10 "Heart Attack," please? I've never heard of atmospheric pressure drop being a precursor to any cardiac events. I've been in the eye of a fairly large typhoon and the pressure drop was nowhere near as rapid as some other decompressions I've been through in…
It's not 4 oz. bottles, it's 3 oz., and you're not supposed to have more of them than will fit into a one quart Zip Lock bag.
You'd look red and kind of misty.
While that is a great picture of a Tomcat D, it is not going supersonic. The vapes are from the jet's pulling a hard turn, creating a low pressure area above the lifting body and wings where the temperature drops and the moisture condenses momentarily. You can tell because a) the horizontal stabs are visibly…
Ahh. Banning "A" (Facebook communication) to prevent "B" (inappropriate or illegal relationships). Works everywhere it's tried, right?
Psst. Some of the advanced models of the F-15 have technology installed that gives them the ability to travel through the air, at high speeds and altitudes, sometimes over great distances...
It's "Wood's been hit!" i.e. Hollywood has been hit.
I have a couple dozen flights with the guy looking at his smashed Hornet. Great guy and a very good stick, obviously.
A couple of points:
Great big missiles moving to intercept a (relatively) stationary ship at Mach 3 are NOT very maneuverable. They have small fins, a long fuselage, a lot of mass, and, no matter what turns they make, they must end up at a predictable and easily determined point.
Rockets, nuclear subs, aircraft carriers, cannons, Samurai swords, crossbows, Gatling guns, lasers, trebuchets, fighter jets, and the Colt .45: definitely boring. You probably couldn't find any books, movies, or television shows that involve one or more of them or the people who own and use them. 'Cause they're so…
I'll start by shooting all the Straw Men...
Yes. History teaches us that unarmed rioters love rushing the machine gun mounts.
Same. Chrome. 1366 x 768. Landscape. Facebook ad infringes on the first three lines of second paragraph.
I concur. When I try to pantomime the lighting of a cigarette with a pistol, the barrel is pointed roughly 30 to 45 degrees up.