As a 5’ woman, let me play you a sad song on the world’s smallest violin.. which is the only one I can play, because I have tiny hands.
As a 5’ woman, let me play you a sad song on the world’s smallest violin.. which is the only one I can play, because I have tiny hands.
GOOD! GOOD! Let the hate flow through you!
My main is a Warlock, and I can’t wait to make people PAY THE PRICE FOR THEIR LACK OF VISION.
So we all have certain games we’re “embedded” with, and the goal is to cover them as closely as possible/for our coverage to show games as a ongoing, living thing. Kirk has been spearheading Destiny’s coverage, and he’s been really nailing it, I think, which is probably why our muscle there stands out. Couple that…
This should not be confused with Destiny’s expansion planned for next year, “The Toking King”, which will release on 4/20.
Is it ok to be against rape but still think this sucks
Breathes and blinks without even trying hard.
She didn’t even get a Last Fuckable Day party.
OR, people like different things.
People like different games to you. It’s okay. Calm down. Your life will be much less stressful if you don’t constantly try to shit on everyone else’s opinions.
Wait, people are still playing Destiny?
His brain is likely in mint condition... Seeing as he uses it so infrequently.
oh this moved my interest from “i might buy it at some point” to “i’ll definitely buy it once the game of the year edition is released and lowers to a price range i feel i can pay for when you consider the huge backlog i already have”
Meh I’m in no hurry, I’ll wait for a GOTY edition.
Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.
I dunno... seemed relevant...
That window is only giving off a...little light.
Master Chief's got nothing on her. She's got the one thing he doesn't; a face.
That's why Nintendo thought it was important to put Metroid, Super Metroid and Metroid Fusion on the eShop. So kids and the adults who know the games could play them.