Ugh. I hate when a deal is physical media only. :(
Ugh. I hate when a deal is physical media only. :(
Awww, man... Resogun and Nex Machina were *fantastic* games... A delightful break from your typical AAA fare...
“And Switch cartridges are only 16GB in capacity...”
How have you not received a Nintendo DMCA takedown request yet?
That would move a few systems...
Thanks for opening up the wound of not being able to buy NOLF/NOLF2 on contemporary platforms.
Thank you for taking the time to write this. These stories need to be heard.
No Angry Birds? I’m out.
I’ve also heard the ship was made from crap steel theory...
Thanks for “This is on the adults, who should know better.”
While not optimal, I would desperately hope a woman flying solo in an org could find find a couple of supportive males to use a variant of the technique... I know a male repeating and giving credit isn’t the same type of amplification, but it would likely be better than none...
Well, this seems to be going better than Sir Paul’s work for Destiny...
I think they blew it by pre-announcing so early. All indications are that the amount of content to be delivered shoud have had one, *maybe* two months of hype flogging.
Bungie really needs to tease *something* about the future, if only to keep us thinking about Destiny once and a while (while we’re playing other games).
So help me, if this is released in 6 months “due to overwhelming demand” we will have all been soooooooo played...
I wonder if the concept of “saving face” is at play here.... They don’t want to risk the “shame” of a bomb?
Things I sincerely don’t understand.... If you wanna see stuff like this, why not just watch a little soft-core porn?
So *that’s* Sony’s other backward compatibility plan... The slow trickle of re-releases for you to re-purchase. Much better than paying to rent streamed versions. <rolls eyes> ;)
Man, if i could trade in spinmetal and helium cores, I’d be a very rich Guardian.