
The Atari 2600 came with two joysticks, two paddles, and “Combat” for $150.

He has wall envy.

I always imagine the people who are still complaining about “broken promises” a year after launch as Comic Book Guy.

“Eris, get your rock off my map.”

“Don’t do that.”

It’s about ethics in titilation rationalization. <rolls eyes>

I’m happy to give your Threes score a quick glance and an approving nod.

The upcoming package where you get the base game and the the three expansions is a pretty good deal... Buy digitally, and you can play the base game and first two expansions immediately.

All caps is almost never called for. However, given the circumstances, I’m ruling this transgression as completely justifiable.

Random assemblage of Dinklebot lines: STILL a better story than Destiny has. ;)

I canceled my TTK pre-order and I’m never playing Destiny again. This is a SLAP IN THE FACE.*

I wonder if there are issues with security clearances? IE: Person has some form of security clearance, is now thought to be a cheater and therefore a potential blackmail target...

I think anyone who has ever worked for a company knows that free-lance speaking as a company rep - actual or implied - is a terminatable offense. Most working folk will understand Nintendo’s position.

1) Kitten Universe

Well done! <tips hat>.

No doubt. Heck... I won’t even acknowledge who I work for online, lest I run afoul of my company’s social media/communication policies. Sooo... As far as we’re all concerned , I work at Bob’s Taco Hut, OK?

Well, you’re more than a little wrong there... But nice job establishing your superiority. You must be a very important person... I was simply observing the astoundingly clinical nature of the statement... A thing of (cold) beauty, actually.

I’ll have the number 3, please.

“We have no comment on this topic other than to wish Chris the best in his future endeavors.”

I wonder how extensive the Dinklebot “purge” will be... If they’re re-recording, will they patch him out of existing copies?