I don’t know—if I didn’t play any of the first 1,885 games in this series do you recommend I start with this one?
I don’t know—if I didn’t play any of the first 1,885 games in this series do you recommend I start with this one?
Well as long as we’re talking about things we regret reading, I’ll go ahead and add your comment to the top of the list.
I remember in Prince of Persia: The Edgyness Within, every time you died, you got a slightly different gameover screen depending on how you wiped (combat, boss, falling down an endless pit, falling down and splatting, etc). For some reason that compelled me to die in increasingly creative ways just to see them all.
Get a switch. Join us. It’s time to have fun again!
I believe this is the culmination of the entirety of human civilization.
Imagine if politics came under as much scrutiny as speed runs.
I have a feeling none of these people have ever been to or seen a punk show...
There’s a reason your go to answers are also single competitor sports and I named a team ;)
Well this just looks silly!
I DO think it’s hilarious that they worked a lore reason for the gear reset into the reveal trailer.
It’s a link to a website where you read the story from cards.
“Here’s some advice for anybody who plays games thinking of buying a laptop; make sure it has the cooling to back up the hardware in it.”
It means the city gets attacked in the opening cutscenes. Your character scrambles from the ground shouting “hang on everyone! I’ve got two years worth of guns in my vault right over th—” and the vault is immediately destroyed by a direct gunship salvo.
Whoa whoa whoa. Your rationale, calm response has no place in today’s news cycle. Get outraged!
Hey, if I’m not allowed you wear jeans in your gym, you’re not allowed to wear leggings in my jeans factory. Deal with it.
Hey, when I was learning programming, one of the male programmers patiently explained to me that I could never learn to code because women’s brains fundamentally lacked the ability to understand logic. Women, he explained, were biologically incapable of employing logic and thus could never be programmers. He’s…
And right where it belongs: underneath THE Country of Hockey.
This video embodies Minnesota in a way that no other video can.