
“...Destiny, a video game about the triumphs and flaws of capitalism...”

This is what happens when gay marriage is legal. <rolls eyes>


Volvos. The new Earth patrols are in Sweden.

I don’t even have time to explain why you can’t skip the FMV...

Destiny: A game where just when you think you’re out...

For $40 I want a God damned cut scene. Of the the Queen’s brother. Singing selections from “Caberet".

Destiny is officially $10 a month... But hey!!! No subscription! ;)

This Q & A is officially as interesting as the story... :)

Destiny has fanboys and haters. If one were perfectly unbiased, one would see that both camps have many valid points.

Every 15 year old boy in America should be offended right now, as the vast majority of them would never dream of doing this. To blame his acts on youthful indiscretion is shameful. I’m pretty sure most 15 year old boys would say, “DUDE!!! Your sisters!?!?! That’s f’d-up, man.”

It’s about ethics in Destiny journalism.

I would *love* to know who many folks *already* “own” it...

The funny thing is, I kinda dig that. It’s like the Zen zone-out while playing Space Invaders. Because, basically... Destiny is Space Invaders.

So much, this. “Destiny blows because it’s an ever repeating grind fest”. “WHAT? YOU’RE NOT RELEASING A 3rd GRIND FEST?!?!?!?” Sigh.

“It’s about ethics in...” Awww, hell. It’s not even ironic anymore.

To all those folks spewing dissatisfaction about Destiny: Check your hours played... If you played a couple of dozen hours and quit, by all means gripe away. But if you’re one of those folks with 100’s of hours who *still* pontificates about how awful the game is... Ummmm... Maybe Google “cognitive dissonance”. (For

My 11 year old Beatles fan would disagree.

After intense consideration I have decided to accept what this cat does as true. I believe it.

I'm not certain that was the point he was making... I'm also not certain that an argument that starts with name-calling and concludes with "STFU" really constitutes an opposing opinion... It's more like an emotional reaction.