
If I wasn't so sleepy I'd try to draw a coherent analogy to the food industry... Sure, I like Cheetos as much as the next guy, but they have no redeeming nutritive value at all, and in the long run They're bad for me. But heaven forbid we try to speak up about junk food, and people start screaming "freedom of choice"

And when they do you'll accuse them of exchanging sex for favorable reviews.

I'm slightly encouraged that you have 2x the stars...

I wouldn't be *upset*... But I'd sorta like the ratio to look something like real life... Equal representation would be awesome....

Make sure to include "she had one minor detail about a game I like wrong, so she is wrong about everything". That's my favorite. Ugh.

Heck, I play Destiny on the PS4 in one room, and shuffle off to play it on my PS3 is the kids boot me off the big TV... I'm cross-gen console hopping *constantly* and haven't had a single issue...

CNN is reporting that it may have been over a parking dispute. I don't know if that makes me feel better or worse.

Good read... I think it would have been improved with a more prominent accounting of hours played by each "wall-hitter" (yourself included). To the gentleman expressing ennui after 800 hours in (presumably) 5 months... Ummm... That's a lot of *anything* in 5 months... No wonder you're bored.

"I Totally Did Not Realise That Amiibos Were This Popular"

I am totally disheartened by the number of comments here that are nothing but thinly-veiled variants of, "She asked for it."

Look... I love the game. Love, love, love it. But let's call the lore what it is: MIA. This making stuff up? Don't have time for it. I got Hive to kill.

As discussions around the possible contributions video games may or may not have when it comes to desensitizing kids to violence continue, now we're training them that getting shot has no implications. (This not intended to be trolling and/or flame bait... I'm just making a smart-ass comment for my own amusement.)

Same here... If the PS support forums are any indication, MANY folks are in the same boat in regards to the "Four Games One Pick" promotion...

I'm not defending Sony at all... They certainly have some pretty huge issues... But *in general* it's kinda tough to expect 3 nines of reliability from a service that charges roughly $4.17 a month...

What? You don't know? She sells weed, too. She's just chill about it.

Well said.

"She had been called out so many times for cherry picking, lying and twisting facts"

Your comment had more story than Destiny did. ;)

Phew! I was getting worried... It's been *HOURS* since the last Destiny story on Kotaku!!!

I'm glad you posted this, as Kotaku had gone *hours* without a Destiny post. I was getting worried. Not since Fire Emblem has Kotaku been this OCD about a game.