
Sure, you may have played "graphic/mature" games when *you* were young and turned out fine... A detail those making that argument typically dance around is that 10 years ago the mayhem was still relatively cartoonish... Stuff shipping today has a level of realism you didn't confront when you were a kid... I

Anyone have a feel for the relative superiority of the 360 or PS3 for the original version of the game? I might pick up a used console just to play it... (Hey, compared to lessons it's cheap... And before any guitarists chime in with "There's no substitute for lessons", I'm taking lessons, too.)

Man... I was getting worried... It's been like, 6 hours since the last Fire Emblem story. I kid, I kid! Love the game, and love the extensive - bordering on obsessive - coverage.

Thank you! It's like half the posters here lost sight of the fact we're discussing *kids*.

Thank you for affirming my POV... We shouldn't be applying adult sensibilities to kids... Are you a grown up? Wear whatever you want. A kid? There are rules...