
Michael Fassbender. He’s been in some stinkers lately so it’s easy to forget how excellent he can be. But check him out in Shame, Inglorious Basterds, Haywire, X-men:First Class, Prometheus, Slow West, amongst other films. He’s great and could be a very good Thrawn. 

By Grabthar’s hammer.... what an error

I must be the only person around that adores this car. It’s beautiful and a HUGE turn around for Maserati as of late. I haven’t lusted after a Maser in decades, and never thought I would again... but here we are.

Rose bugged me in TLJ. Not because she was a woman or because of her ethnicity, but because she seemed to have been introduced mainly to be forced into a relationship with Finn. I liked the character, but the forced “romance” pissed me off to no end.

Isn’t this how we ended up with Killer Bees?

I loved him in Ladyhawke more than Blade Runner. And he was truly terrifying in The Hitcher.

“I’ve seen things you people wouldn’t believe. Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion. I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhäuser Gate. All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

And let us not forget Hobo with a Shotgun.

If it means that it’ll beat Avatar for the #1 spot I’ll go see it for a fourth time.

Ferrari could put a pile of poop on wheels and it would be “sold out” of said poop on wheels before it even went to production. The “fans” or “buyers” dont give two fucks what it looks like as long as its in their garage and it gets good reviews from the press. Ferrari is so insulated from critique its unreal. No one

There once was an idiot from Limerick,

Looks like it got a little UAEtta control and the driver started to Saudi the wheel. Just Dubai'd right off the road.

Hard Brexit.

Huracan?  No...........Huracan’t.

I’m Nazi’ing the problem here.

Came here to say exactly this, leaving happy. 

Didn’t it already have Plex? Which if we are being honest and you’re not counting all the illegal plugins, is better than kodi all round and a really well polished and largely hassle free bit of software. So it’s been the best set top box for ages.

Missed opportunity?

Soon to be followed by Stranger Things LEGGO sets.