
I actually liked this series a lot. I will miss Anton Yelchin though. Tragic.

The first thing that came to mind (and apologies to the vegetarian/vegans here) but are they not edible? My uncle was a Conservation Biologist that kept deer populations in check in Washington State. If an invasive species needs to be culled, it certainly could be put to use in possibly feeding populations. And if it

How cool would it be if another Skarsgård plays Feyd? Like Alexander or Bill? It could work.

I have no idea why Americans as a whole believe that the far left lane is the “safety” lane now. We might as well be in the UK. I loathe passing on the right but inevitably no one uses mirrors or signals anymore. I could care less that you own a giant SUV and you’re in front of me. If you’re in the far left lane

Why didn’t they just go with SpotiHyFy? Just sayin’.

You’re not the only one dude. Maser has just been hitting ALL the right notes design-wise IMHO. Like they pilfered some Pininfarina peeps or something. Whatever it is, they have a formula that is sorely lacking in other marques. LOVE that interior too!

John Cho REALLY needs to change his shampoo.

I’ve kinda been sold on this car ever since seeing this picture....

Tis car makes me happy in pants. If I won the Lotto, I am going to the local Prancing Horse dealership and putting down a deposit. Oh, who am I kidding? I probably don’t “qualify” in Ferrari’s terms to own it.

I’m holding out for the GTI...D. or GT I.D. Then again, we won’t get this in the States anytime soon.

Dear Lord, WHY am I not a millionaire?

The moment I saw those factory wheels I had to start seeing what some aftermarkets would look like. Granted, I’m not a Photoshop expert, but wheels can make a huge difference...

I. Can. Not. F’ing. Wait.

Holy F-Balls, that car is hot. Then again, when do concepts ever come to fruition?

What I see....

I see your Campari and raise you a Malort.

I gotta play now. As quite a few of mine were mentioned (BSG, Halt and Catch Fire, The Expanse, etc. ) here’s some other notable ones:

If VW and JDM could dry heave a car, it would be this.

Singer. Erections Reimagined.

Just when you think you’ve seen everything in Singer’s “Commissions”, they produce this. Wow. I wouldn’t be surprised if this engine adds 100K to an already unattainable unicorn car. Well played.