
Even by pedantic internet comment standards, this is a wild nitpick.

“Looking good, Billy Ray!”

Old fashioned way of thinking.  If someone is productive what does it matter where they are? If their productiviy dives when they’re remote it’s very obvious. 

Ok so I am not the only one who is not fully feeling the show yet. 

I will walk without rhythm to the theater for the next one! 

The Spice must flow…again.

It is considered disrespectful to it, and against the flag code, but it lacks force of law. And these are assholes who put the flag on underwear, towels, rugs (fucking rugs, man, thrown on the ground to be tread and have feet wiped upon), and all sorts of other places the flag code says is disrespectful to the flag so


People who think that it’s a competition. My family takes a lot of road trips in the summer. During these road trips, I almost always set my cruise control. I often come across people who for whatever reason don’t like to be passed. Many times during a drive I will begin closing in on someone who is going slower than

I spent a good part of my life living in Germany and what always amazes me is how bad Americans are at driving.

If your father wasn’t a moron, he’d realize that they kill the weakest, sickest deer thus leaving the genetic prime of the herd to breed more impressive specimens in terms of viable meat mass and trophy parts.

It was always going to end that way, which is why blaming Biden for withdrawing is just as foolish as the withdrawal. Unless the intention was for the US to come in and completely takeover, turning Afghanistan into a US territory, there was no other possible outcome. That should have been abundantly clear after

Space doesn’t take resources away from Earth. All the engineers and technicians designing and building the hardware are paid on Earth, feed families here, etc. The technological developments spread to other industries, bringing new materials, better solar energy, better batteries, better medical technology.

That doesnt really change the fatality rate increase from larger vehicles in america, which is the point of the study.

Of course this has nothing to do with the fact that we hand anyone a license in this country regardless of whether they actually know how to drive or not.

Music in trailers is almost never done by the composer of the film and is rarely representative of what the actual score is.

No jetski.

They have GOT to name a corner after her....... 

I woke up about 15 minutes ago, turned on my phone, and this was the very first notification I got.