
Welcome to your Official Guide to H20i Drinking Games 2017.

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This. Hands down. From music, design, pacing, down to typography.

Sorry, but that image with Kylo Ren kneeling on his light saber like it’s an actual sword makes me guffaw. What the crap is that? A light saber would melt that spot in the floor. You couldn’t lean on it. That’s just stupid.

Mmmmmm...titanium and inconel.....is engi-rection a word?


Fuck this guy. Fuck this guy and his oversized Reese’s coffee mug.

1,969 pieces? I see what you did there, Lego.

Unfortunately, it still looks like an early FnF movie barfed a shitty body kit all over it.

When your driving is SO bad that people make multiple Facebook groups to keep away from you.

“Looking at her career so far, I think Scarlett Johansson is well-cast,” Sam Yoshiba, director of the international business division at Kodansha’s headquarters in Tokyo, told The Hollywood Reporter (via AnimeNewsNetworkand RocketNews). “She has the cyberpunk feel. And we never imagined it would be a Japanese actress

The dumbest shit I modded my car with was my ex-husband.

Fake news! I’ve been getting speeding tickets in manual-transmission cars for years now. YEARS.

Sounds like you need a shoulder to Chiron.

Styopa at 5:05pm reminds us that nihilism isn’t just a river in Egypt

Uwish at 4:38pm provides us with the ageshaming comment I had been hoping for

C.T. Rex Pope at 6:03pm is trying to tell us something

Choo Choo Charlie at 4:27pm has the first reference to horses, nature’s most noble animal