
You mean Stewie and Brian.

Hopefully the Brienne and Podrick tour continues though.

I think my only real concern with the new season is will it be as supercharged as the previous ones with the absence of so many amazing supporting characters, like The Hound, Joffrey, Tywin, and Ygritte. I'm so far not really feeling the Missandei-Grey Worm stuff, and I was never a fan of Loras.

"You didn't have to stuff your shit through an air hole."

I'm sad that we lost the Arya-Hound buddy comedy, but we seem to be in good hands with Tyrion-Varys!

no more password for free apps?? far and away the best new feature

I have absolutely no problem with guys who open doors for me, and I even think it's cute when a guy on a date walks around to my side of the car & opens my door first. That being said, you seemed to miss the point the commenter was making - it's annoying to her when men literally make a situation more difficult in

So a simple courtesy is that troubling? Rather than get all worked up about it work up the graciousness to accept the courtesy in the spirit it was given. In that it's a small kindness being afforded you. I do it often and have to say most people appreciate the courtesy.

In sixth grade, I was disallowed from answering mental math questions because I generally got the answer faster than anyone else in class. Once I was forced to stay quiet, a single boy started answering at about my same rate. He was never told he needed to not participate.

Yeah, if that was my kid, I would demand my kids goes to a new counselor and never even sees that person again. But also, my experience with guidance counselors is that they are a waste of space, to be honest. In my experience and my sister’s, they did nothing but waste our time for four years. I really don’t

I live in Montgomery County PA, a suburb of Philly, and the PA numbers for middle class are not even close. To be what I would consider mid-level middle class where I live, a family with 2 kids needs to make at least $100k, and even then you're counting pennies. Throw in large student loans and healthcare bills or

Really? Does having any money whatsoever left at the end of the month make you middle class? I think that's still pretty much working class. I think middle class is having a considerable buffer between rent/bills/clothing/travel...and then everything else.

No, the way they're calculating it is by going off of median income. There's no rule that the median income is actually anywhere close to the cost of living.

You need a psychiatrist. I regularly take out more cash than that. Paid for the windows in my home in cash, lots more. No black helicopters yet.

None of them? I don't know what defines a "newish" car. My wife and I drive 2009 models. We refinanced them once (for lower APR's), and have 1 year remaining on the payments. Our cars are a need, we live in NorCal and require them for our 40 minute 1-way commute to work.

Saving for retirement is a need.


Well those are the things that would typically define middle class. Just being able to afford food, clothes, and a roof over your head wouldn't be considered middle class.

Housing, transportation, education, are not needs? Sure there are plenty of ways to reduce your costs for all of them - depending where you live you might not need a car, college expenses and methods of paying vary wildly, etc ... but still, these are expenses that most families face in one form or another.

You don't need retirement and college funds ?

Exactly. No way you are "upper class" in NYC making $120k a year.

I would be interested to see how the median income required to be middle class in any given state differs from the median income required to be middle class in that state's major urban centers. For example, I feel as if the amount that would be considered "upper-bound middle class" in New York, would be just middle