
I have a $50 Olive Garden gift card in my car. I don't want it but I can't think of anyone to give it to that would not be insulted by it.

In food service, bruh, stomach viruses/food poisoning very much counts. It is multiple health code violations to allow a sick worker to handle food.

Breadstix R Us

"Here's the equivalent of what A Rodgers did today. I crash his wedding to Olivia because I'm a big "fan."

Dennis Dodd poses question: Where do we draw the line?

A lot of times the slavers threaten their victims with hurting their family's in the home country if they leave/press charges and they don't feel confident that they will be protected so they don't work with the authorities.

It's very generic modern. It looks like every single "AFTER" kitchen ever shown on HGTV. I'm surprised they didn't include the same fugly dining room light fixture the put in every single episode.

meant to appeal to women who have a sense of humor, a sense of history and healthy self-esteem

That last "And we thank them..." dig is pure dickishness.

It's not even a nice looking kitchen.

We applaud the students involved in the protest for their excitement about their cause.

Persoanlly I don't think a statement was neccesary. Just tell the cop his name

Cop"Ok, tell me what happened. Why did you hit him?"
Big Jim "His name is Hayes McGinley. He's a lacrosse player for Syracuse"
Cop "You're free to go..."

Honestly, if you (1) went to Syracuse, (2) played lacrosse, (3) looked like a douchy frat asshole, and (4) were named "Hayes McGinley," how could you not totally expect to get the Jesus Fucking Christ beat out of you at least once in your life by a guy named Big Jim Whitcomb.

Here it probably means spike it into the turf or something. In the U.K., do nothing with it for 90 minutes.

Edit: I blew the joke. See below.

I feel like if you get hit by somebody named "Big Jim", you're gonna have a bad time.

I love when people tell someone that they shouldn't have posted if they didn't care.

If you can't afford to tip, you can't afford to eat out.

That's so disappointing that a group of war criminals who carry out widespread ethnic and religious cleansing, rape women, and employ child soldiers...eat junk food. I mean, profiteroles with cheap chocolate? How gauche. With all the money they steal, surely they could fly in some artisanal toast. I'm worried