
So I love the hotline video in all its cheesy glory (seriously. im a pretty good dancer, but this is so me drunk, at the end of the night, when im totally oblivious and feeling myself) so I disagree with the first part of your comment, but wow, thanks for introducing this second video. Will look them up. I love it!

As someone that lived in Mexico... there is nothing Mexican about chips and queso. It doesn’t matter what color it is. They just don’t have it there. This restaurant is full of lying liarfaces and you should call them out

Having lived in DC on $50k with my first real job just a few years ago, I can tell you the DC numbers at least are laughable. I had three roommates, low student loans, no medical bills, no car or car insurance and I still needed help from my parents. I make considerably more than this now and I'm just starting to

Me too! Except it started white and gold and stayed there for a while. Now it switches at will. I had to step away. It was too much for me to handle

God this was amazing, thank you.

What toy is that? My kittens would love/murder it!!

I immediately thought the same thing. I'm a big fan of Whole Food's canned tuna. It's much better quality than any of the name brands like Bumblebee

Is it me or was the crowd just shouting "USA"?!

A dark horse is a little-known person or thing that emerges to prominence, especially in a competition of some sort[1] or a contestant that seems unlikely to succeed.[2]

I wrote salt both times without thinking, but the principle applies to both chemicals and salt. They stop working below certain temps. They need a certain amount of water to be able to bond.

There is no salt that "INSTANTLY" melts ice, it just lowers the freezing point. If the temp is below 15 F salt has no effect. Considering the temperature variances between north and south, that makes for a small window where salt is effective. I live in DC and while snow is inconsistent, it's so humid that ice is a

This is what I don't understand. The government didn't want to close down or make drastic preparations because they were getting mixed messages about the weather. They heard it might be flurries or it could be more severe. Two inches, while not the norm in the south, is hardly severe. It sounds like they got the

While I don't think it's funny, I find it difficult to be up in arms over this. I lived in DC during the 2010 snowstorm. We are also not used to snow here, certainly not the 20+ inches we received. The Feds made the decision to not close and instead unleashed over 200,000 federal workers along with over 800,000

I agree. I kept scrolling and scrolling and scrolling through comments thinking maybe I missed something. Her body type didn't seem to be part of the equation at all. It sounds like a story of two slightly grumpy people trapped in a plane together. Welcome to being in tight quarters with other people when you all

Not only can they not give birth without surgery, the female also has to be artificially inseminated. They can't even have sex naturally. Ridic!

I'm going to take this another direction. I had one of the "girl of today" dolls when I was a kid and I loved it more than any possession. Yes, it was just a doll, but to a mixed race little girl who had never had any Disney character, cartoon, Barbie, etc etc that looked like her it was incredibly validating. So

Because unlike other treatments, we wouldn't just be treating a symptom.

East Coast as well. 5 minutes on my iPhone and 19 minutes on my iPad?? I started maybe three minutes ago.

The juxtaposition of this article with the one about the working homeless reminds me of the Vice episode where they went to India to discuss the wealth gap. Billionaires were living in skyscrapers with floor to ceiling windows overlooking the slums. Clearly this country needs to start examining some things.