
As much as we want to forget it, it’s an important piece to the puzzle that is WB’s motivation. They tried a colorful, funny and unrushed set-up to a large cinematic universe. And it failed, not necessarily for those reasons. They took that to mean “Obviously the only thing that’ll make us more money is dark, gritty

I’m pretty certain they’ve also had Craig James, who killed five hookers while at SMU, on that network as well.

So are we never talking about the abomination called Green Lantern starring Ryan Reynolds?

That’s like saying you want to go back and stop George Lucas from making Star Wars because he eventually made the prequels. Digital colorization is by far the least problematic issue with Snyder’s movies. And, as Cool_Breeze said, O, Brother... is freaking gorgeous.

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So...snapchat will come and go before I even bother to try it...
This is what “old” feels like.

Good ol’ Mark-to-Make-Believe paper assets; can’t spend it but you can borrow money with it.

honestly becoming a billionaire on the back of absolutely nothing and stealing money from Silicon Valley dumb dumbs is sort of my dream so YOU LIVE YOUR LIFE LIZZIE HOLMES

It was a work-issued phone, so it was probably even more boring than that. That’s the thing that keeps being downplayed... they need to access his phone on the off-chance that he was stupid enough to use a government-issued phone to conduct terrorist activities.

Exactly. The legal precedent here is what mattered more to them, not the actual cracking.

Ugh — I curated my Instagram feed myself by deciding who I’m going to follow. I don’t want things out of chronological order. If I want to see what someone had for breakfast, I’ll be sure I scroll through my feed until I come to the point I left off last.

ideally they should let each user determine howthey want their feed sorted.

I just hope they improve the battery life in the new iPhones. I have to charge my 1 and a half year old 5S at least twice a day now with moderate use. I would rather have thick phone if it meant it came with a proper battery.

I agree with you, at least on phones. If they announced a slightly thicker phone with the same basic design and features that’d last twice as long, I’d be all over that, and suspect others would be too.

the cost of living has risen since then, and it’s safe to conclude that salaries have risen along with it.

Urine for some lovely views when visiting San Francisco.

We’ve had outdoor urinals for years - it’s called Market Street.

While it’s noble for people to be doing high speed rail, I think you really need the right conditions to make it work.

Not to mention that 70 billion is probably far less than the cost of expanding I-5, LAX, and SFO to handle all the future traffic that the HSR will accommodate.

Amtrak does not have a “system”. They have trains that run on freight tracks. Freight trains have priority because the companies than own the freight trains own the tracks.