
Hmm, well between now and midnight I can probably watch 4-5 episodes, which should put me firmly in addicted territory. I think I'm a little too hopeful that it'll be the next Firefly, though. I should probably tone that down a little... or not? *asking hopefully, oh so pathetically hopefully*

Ha, I think she's a keeper! No sarcasm intended- that made me laugh pretty hard. I'd say text her a funny apology for the drunk text and tell her you had a great time and would like to go out again. That'd work on me, at least.

I have seen Supernatural! Good stuff, and I like the scary. I haven't seen Eureka, but that, Battlestar Galactica, Jericho, and an X-Files re-watch are on my Netflix sci-fi bucket list. Must. Choose. One. Netflix is great and all, but sometimes too many choices mean I never pick and I just stall all night long. Major

In my experience this is almost always the case. Distrust everyone/don't have life insurance. It's worked for me so far!

I'm sick. There are six hours until my bedtime, I'm curled up in bed with my laptop, and the Battlestar Galactica pilot is queued up on my Netflix. I've never seen it before, but I hear it's addictive. Dare I start it?

That's fine! My chances are better now without all this dang competition! Next step, take out Emma Stone...

Hey, Thomas really kind of grew a heart in season 3! Yeah, I've always liked him because I love a good villain and his evil ways have usually been balanced nicely with humanizing him (he just wants to be loooved! And he caaan't because homosexuality was a crime!). And that whole 'let's just be friends' thing in the

This makes me so happy for so many reasons, but Hari Kondabolu, Jezebel Tweet Beat Favorite, summed it up pretty well in a tweet today,

I grew up in the family desktop in the living room age, aka late 90's/early 2000's. My mom didn't peer over our shoulders to check up on us, but I don't think myself or my brothers would have even considered looking up porn out in the open like that. Maybe that's just the way to go— it's cheaper than individual

I don't think that baby is mad about her name, she's mad about this:

I think using a scale is an excellent idea! I'm probably a 7 too. I tend to wear makeup when leaving the house, but not always. And I enjoy wearing lipstick and nail polish because I just LOVE COLOR SO MUCH! I said so in another post, but I love this fuchsia lipstick I bought so much that I feel bad for men because

Hmm. I have a friend who's done ROTC through high school and college and is now in some sort of leadership-y position (dang, I don't know military hierarchy. Basically she's higher up than her ROTC buddies and people who are new to the army) and she always wears this intensely long-lasting, waterproof, doesn't come

I don't think I'm socially programmed to want to wear makeup, I think I wear it because I just like it. But who knows??? Maybe I'm socially programmed to think I want to wear makeup because I like it.

I have a surplus of the most beautifully rolled J's you've ever seen thanks to Colorado's legalization stance! I love my state. Oh I'm sorry, I didn't mean to rub it in but I'm quite pleased :D

No, my parents were raised Catholic and had no desire to inflict that upon my brothers and I, so we grew up pretty dang atheist. I mean, the Adam and Eve stuff was pretty in your face, even for a 6 year old, but all that Aslan/Jesus metaphor stuff? Went straight over my head. I just thought he was a nice magical

Oh god I forgot Michael Clarke Duncan died! I feel like my heart is breaking all over again :(

My brother recently informed me that smoking a little weed the morning after is the perfect cure for that hangover nausea. Because DUH it's sold to people with cancer to counteract chemotherapy nausea! I can't believe I never put that together myself, but I think I'll give it a whirl tomorrow morning.

Bizarre racial issues really seem to be the case with a lot of fantasy. I remember reading some lengthy series with elves and Dark Elves and all the elves were blond Arwen types and good and the Dark Elves were literally dark and also evil. I agree though that Lewis does handle it better than a lot of fantasy out

See though, wasn't Tash basically an Islam facsimile? Or at the very least it represented non-Christian religions. And in the books Tash the religion and Tash the person were both bad and mocked by Aslan and the Narnians. The fact that being Tash was held against the guy (found righteous despite the fact he believed

Very true. It just always bothered me as a kid that Narnia with it's white people and cute animals was always the good country and Calormen and Telmar with their darker skinned people were the bad countries. Though you're absolutely right, those rules weren't set in stone.