Can I get a book rec? All this convention coverage is making me want to try out a romance novel again, but can a girl get a book that isn’t about a rich prick romancing a lady?
Can I get a book rec? All this convention coverage is making me want to try out a romance novel again, but can a girl get a book that isn’t about a rich prick romancing a lady?
It was 9th grade algebra class. I puked up my breakfast after trying to lunge as nonchalantly as possible for the sink in the back of the class, like ‘oh nothing’s up with me, guys, I just really want to check out the sink’. Did not work. And then when my teacher sent me to the nurse’s office I puked again in a trash…
Nope, it was in Denver, in February, and we had two full pages of reservations. I just don't understand it. Why? Why would you do that to another person?
Daww, thanks guys you got me out of the grey!
Equally fun fact: last Valentine's Day I was working at a Bubba Gump's (it was a low point in my life), and two different men slipped me the engagement ring and asked me to bring it out in a glass of wine (we don't got no champagne) or with desert when they signaled me. At least 4 couples that I saw got engaged that…
Your enjoyment of this tale may depend on your knowledge of early '90s female singer song-writers, as the best of them usually do. When I was 8 or so my dad took me to a public radio studio recording of Rickie Lee Jones. He was recently divorced and making an effort to spend one on one time with my brothers and I, and…
Goodness I do appreciate the irony of a person who presumably has a home lecturing a person soon to be living in a tent on their "problematic" homeless terminology.
I don't really have any helpful advice, but I feel this comment so hard. I'm basically in the exact same student loan situation. If you can defer that might be best until you're on surer financial ground, but worst case I just found out today that it takes 270 days to default so if you slip a little it isn't dire for…
Kind of considering going a bit homeless for a while! My lease comes up next month and if they raise the rent like crazy (probable) and my roommate still doesn't have a job by then (almost certain), I think the soundest financial decision would be to pitch a tent in my brother's backyard and live there for a month or…
I was going to guess spiderwebs :(
No coincidence that Kévin took over right around the time Home Alone came out. It's the only explanation I can think of.
Wow, color me unsurprised at CU Boulder's ranking. I graduated there a couple years ago and after a series of very scary gang rapes being reported every single weekend for a month straight the campus police release a statement basically saying "Erebody quit freaking out! This is the average number of sexual assaults,…
I'm re-reading The Grapes of Wrath as an adult and I'd now count it among my absolute favorite books. Try the audiobook if you still can't get into it— it is straight-up electrifying spoken aloud!
Yeah, sometimes we're just brokeskates, Mr. Richter. BUT WE STILL TIP WELL!!
As a person who does wear those slip-resistant work Skechers to her restaurant job, lemme just say: Skechers SUCKKKKK. By hour 4 they feel like nothing more than a sheet of cardboard taped to the soles of my feet. Anyone know a better (and still cheap) brand that will still help me to succeed in America?
Great! Bring some booze too, we're playing the OC drinking game.
OMG you're right!! Goddamn, I need to dig out the DVDs and marathon that shit. Wanna come over later?
Erm, Marissa shot Trey a ton while he and Ryan were rasslin on the floor. It was a hugely significant moment in my and all our lives!!
It's BBQUEUE in the UK.