1. Get a real fucking job!
1. Get a real fucking job!
Thank you! And what? Sons of Adam and Daughters of Eve? He did a pretty good job with the gender stuff. Lucy was such a badass! And luckily all that Christian nonsense went right over my head as a kid.
That actually sounds like a pretty cool movie, but to gat's point, that movie was made 70 years ago! Examples do seem to be pretty dang scarce then. Also, would I be wrong to assume that probably at least some of the plot or dialogue deals with their relationships with men?
That is so fucking outrageous (in that it makes me outraged on his behalf).
Cuuute! I love reading all these stray puppy stories that have happy endings, it provides a nice counterbalance to all the sad in the article.
Er, and also aside from my computer deficiencies— that is so cute! Your dog is freaking adorable and I'm so glad there are happy stories to go along with the really sad ones regarding dumpster puppies.
Oh no! I'm braving html embedding for the first time and I might have effed it up because it didn't show on my computer. Gimme a sec...
This is Art Garfunkel, the cute little part pit puppy my brother found in a dumpster behind a 7-Eleven. He is happy and healthy now!
I don't understand people like this. Actually, they're not really people- they're giant pieces of walking shit.
I love Alton Brown! He taught me the scientific rationale behind how to make a souffle and now it all just makes sense to me! He's the best little kitchen nerd a girl could want.
Ugh. I really really hate all these services doing us a "favor" by linking with Facebook. Yes, what I really want from a streaming service is for it to tell alll my distant FB friends that I marathoned an entire season of MTV's Teen Wolf last weekend. Leave me some dignity, Netflix!
And the somehow dissembling your frozen cow into cookable pieces is pretty difficult too. The last meat delivery contained a full side of frozen un-butchered ribs. Yeah, that is sooo not going to fit in the crockpot. I believe my step-dad had to cut them down to size with a hatchet in the garage— paleo seems pretty…
Ruh roh, I guess the multiple documented tribal cultures in Africa and South America where traditional gender roles are reversed have been doing it wrong for centuries! Like the Aka, where men wear jewelry and makeup and care for the children (even simulated breastfeeding!) and cook and clean the house while the women…
You sound like an awesome parent. I loved this article and your comment, though it got me to wondering. As a kid in the mid-90's I hated girly things too. But I think that was more because I had brothers and a single dad (who while was pretty feminist, he was feminist in an old-school way that thought being…
My mom is doing paleo, and for the first time in my life there is bacon and red meat in the house when I come home! I love this so much I don't even subject it to the same mockery I usually give her weird diets (she's done them all). On the downside, I've been enlisted to pick up her "meat delivery" (heh) when I come…
Yeah, I think it's just funny. I don't understand why people get so up in arms over it- no one really takes this advice seriously, right? I mean, come on, it's all a big joke. If you don't like this brand of sex talk, there's always Dr. Ruth (who is the best!).
Yes THANK YOU!!! This book was all I could think about when watching The Village and I was so pissed when the end totally ripped it off. Uh, been there, done that M. Night.
Whatever. As long as Maggie Smith stays on, everything will be okay. Wait, she's leaving too?!? But now maybe she isn't? Stop toying with my heart, Downton Abbey!
So, if they are recognized as a hate group does that mean that the vile bullshit they spew all over private funerals is no longer protected by the First Amendment? Because FINALLY ABOUT G-D TIME!!
OMG why have I never realized this!? I painted my nails blue for Obama on Election Day and my nails were stained blue for over a week after I took it off. Totes worth it, but I definitely looked diseased for a few days. Thanks, I'm buying some basecoat now!