Skynet vs Planet of the Apes. Hail Ceasar!!!!
Skynet vs Planet of the Apes. Hail Ceasar!!!!
Why doesn’t anyone understand, as a google exec, it’s harder and harder to find qualified people domestically. Indentured servitude, I mean H1-B visas, are the only viable solution to our human resource problem!
I farted to get out of this boring conversation about H1-B visas!
who just farted here?
Or, just pass gas, loudly or SBD, and say it wasn’t you.
Some of these limitations are because backend systems pass their data to MainFrames. So that’s something to think about and consider, legacy systems that have hard limitations, but are used in a production environment (think Banks).
The only six pack I give a fuck about is a good IPA. Everything else is just straight ass.
No, for your penis. The cack watch. Set reminders to make knuckle babies.
No, for your penis. The cack watch. Set reminders to make knuckle babies.
Hopefully he will retire from those commercials too.
It's going to be hard to top Season 1 imho.
I prefer the roll by home depot and pick up some day laborers method. Makes me feel like the 1% and a job creator (according to republicans).
These dudes are bad ass, and to think their lead singer used to be (maybe still is) a MMA fighter.
So much for that weight loss.
Is Brian Wilson's daughter going to be starting in this, maybe getting her ass eaten and or poked by the liar's nose?
Remember me in Corvette Summer! Cool van dude!
These will be at next year’s Burning Man.
C:[Enter] (See Colon, Enter - Butt sex nerd joke)
Looks interesting, but I have to say, how over used is the shot, taken behind a persons hand, as they run it through wheat, tall grass, etc. I mean, how many trailers today continue to use that bullshit shot. It's tired as hell and I demand a little more creativity, and or just don't do it, or do it's a…
Can we have the creator of the game on set when they film this? Maybe an “accident” will happen and this ridiculous franchise can go the way of crappy birds.
I thought everyone enjoyed a dutch oven just prior to getting nasty. Better still, if it's a one night stand. Works like a champ! Let out the food babies, then let out the knuckle babies, but hopefully you wouldn't have to use your hand this time to let those babies fly.