
“It is expected to premiere sometime next year, at which time it will undoubtedly be the subject of hundreds of teens’ unhappy acid trips.”

listen to your friend billy zane

Of course people can care about more than one thing. But, why are you taking areyouserious24’s comment so personally and reacting so angrily to it? You know, people can also express discomfort at the amount of attention paid to one thing versus the other without implying that the one to which more attention is paid is

The emergency room’s personnel stared down at the young girl’s body. Something about her aura had changed. The EKG’s steady pulse gained the ineffable quality of a dirge. The lonely drumbeat of a vacant mind; an imprisoned body. A defeated Dr. Spears gripped into her surgical mask and slowly dragged it from her face.

Those prices are insane.

I am incredibly naive when it comes to TV. Whenever I watch Cops I’m like, “But he said he got the heroin from a friend and was just holding it for him!”

I don’t know. That might be a little over the top.

“When exercising “Yawn #1,” you should “gently tilt your head back” and “allow your mouth to hang open widely” then “contract the back of the throat as if to perform Ujjayi breathing — a whispery breath — which is typically done through your nose with your mouth closed. Breathe deeply through your mouth so you feel

My Child My Choice!

You work at a place that gives bonus checks? Worth the regular boners.

The book is a whole bunch better

Voodoo White Pathology (Slight Return)

That it’s not all glamor. Doing direct-to-video everyday, all day, is just tiring. And viagra and meth have bad side effects.

That “criss cross applesauce” thing really bothers me. Why is “cross legged” bad? Every time I hear “criss cross applesauce” I want to set things on fire.

Before he died, my father suffered from dementia. He used to talk like this all the time.

Some of these ridiculous IPAs out there nowadays taste like they’ve already been fucked.

Some chicken is that delicious, especially some fried chicken (made by someone who knows what they are doing) and roasted whole chicken with crackling skin (boy, I am making myself hungry...).

Sure! There are probably a bunch of articles about this, but there are a few easy ones that come to mind. The first thing to do is to consider your place. Are you part of the group you’re discussing? If not, maybe take several minutes to listen/read, and really give space to the people who are part of that group and

No sexts from me!

OK sending dick pics - not ok. And taking pictures of unconcious patients without their express consent for educational purposes is illegal. And disparaging and racist remarks? This guy is a tool not worth defending.