
The “American College of Pediatricians” is an anti-LGBT hate group, not a legit professional organization.

1. Assemble bread

My wife is a neurologist and administers this test nearly daily. She gave it to me once for fun, it is stupidly simple (as it should be for someone without cognitive impairment).

The second bite too. The frequent conversation is “Just try a bite. I put butter and a little salt on it. I’ll sprinkle a little cheese on it. It’s good. You just have to try one bite....”
Child eats one bite.
Me: “What do you think?”
Child: “It’s good!”
Me: “I’m glad you liked it. Would you like another bite?”

[Conger] “we just blew our savings on hookers and blow. This doesn’t !look good on us.”

Melania Trump is actually infinitely many monkeys typing on keyboards and connected to a voice synthesizer.

So Michelle Obama went into the future to plagiarize a talking horse? I mean, she seems very capable so I wouldn’t say it’s beyond her abilities, but it doesn’t sound like the FLOTUS I know.

She plagiarized Michelle Obama and rickrolled the RNC. I’m convinced that her speech writer is a 100% Grade A Troll. And I love them.

That’s exactly what youre doing.


As a former investigator:

You think Kali Kanongata’a is a white person? He literally says he’s Tongan.

When a boy magnet and a girl magnet love each other very much, they fuck.

“Whole Foods in Marin” really explains so much.

Uh oh. I accidentally saw an email last night that my cat sent to this photgrapher setting up a special photography session with his wonderful owner NEXT WEEK.

Sandusky was the molester. Paterno was the coach who steadfastly looked the other way and ignored all the signs.

Donald Trump: his own best anti-Trump ad.

I ended the lick with a soft kiss then planted my lips on what was left of the inside of her left thigh

I had to eat sardines

Stories like this are really important for people who wave away concerns about concussions with “they knew what they were getting into when they chose football.” They really, really didn’t. When most of today’s pro players started out in the game, they knew about the possibility of physical damage but the neurological