
Are you sure that was an anesthesiologist and not an endoscopy nurse? Not trying to cast doubt or disbelieve, but we anesthesiologists have some really good drugs (propofol) that generally prevent the “waking up”. Complete amnesia is never a guarantee with endoscopies and “monitored anesthesia Care” (as opposed to

I once got a bristle stuck in my tongue. Was painful!

I once got a bristle stuck in my tongue. Was painful!

Physician here. False. 

This also applies verbatim to children. 


But don’t have so much fun that you forget to learn about survivorship bias!

As noted (misleadingly) in the article, the seal is important not because oxygen is leaking out, but because you’d be entraining “room air” in and diluting the oxygen. In fact, I’m skeptical that these masks allow for enough CO2 elimination without rebreathing (I can’t see one-Way expiratory valves or openings,

Mine too! (Behavioral neurology). She said the same thing.

Yes, you can infer that. Although you can also read other studies that actually prove it. Epidurals are not associated with any significant adverse fetal outcome.

As an anesthesiologist, I would edit your post slightly: yes, there is evidence that epidurals DO increase the length of the first stage of labor slightly, but I certainly would no longer refer to it (in the same sentence) as the “long HURTY part” — that’s the whole point of the epidural.

Well, it’s true that having preferences is fine. But my point is that there are relatively few decisions that don’t have real medical implications, and the healthcare providers will favor some and discourage others. In my experience, birth-plan preferences can be honored when they’re as far removed from medical

Caution for those drafting “birth plans” particularly as they relate to labor and delivery methods (vaginal birth vs. c section vs. IV placement vs. pain control) I know this ain’t the point of the article): they’ll likely not come true, especially if your priority is your and your baby’s welfare. Go crazy on the

I expect you met the anesthesiologist and just don’t REMEMBER it. If you didn’t, you should sue them for assault (drugging you without consent is assault, at least in the U. S.)


The only reason I can think of that someone would “push the baby back in” is in the case of umbilical cord prolapse.

The incidence of epiglottitis has drastically decreased thanks to vaccines.

I suppose swimming pools have a similar risk of mortality if unsupervised. Not sure on the data though since we don't have population studies.

“OTHER PLAYDATE DEATHS?” Is this for real? You mean, like car accidents?

I’m seeing more of a reincarnated James Gandolfini