
Your anesthesiologist failed at communicating. But hopefully everything else was good!

I would point you to “Boy’s Life” by Robert R. McGammon, the best book I’ve ever read:

Who besides a troll comes to Jezebel to victim-blame a survivor of sexual assault?

There is only a holy trinity of arms in this drawing.

Can we somehow prevent all anti-choice folk (particularly those in Congress) from benefiting from research involving fetal tissue? It should be a non-issue soon as IPS cells eventually replace embryonic stem cells. But until then.

I'm on vacation in Vancouver, a lovely city. Thinking of not retuning.

That used to be the case, until 2014

Yelling at an anti-Vaxxer about science is like telling my 5-year old that ice cream has a lot of saturated fat and sugar and therefore he shouldn't eat so much of it.

Show the next 20 min of footage with a retained placenta, 2 units of blood transfused, and a 4th degree perineal laceration and I'll applaud.

My friend, an anesthesiologist, decided to move back home to Nebraska (with his Bay Area-native wife and newborn) because they couldn’t afford to buy a house near Mountain View.

The show is hilarious and IMO the best sitcom on TV right now. Waaaay better than Fresh Off the Boat (which is decent, actually).

Sedation without consent is battery.

Yeah, I agree. It'$ pretty difficult to figure out why their romance exi$t$

Don’t worry, your bones are changing too. For the worse.

If your phone has developed enough consciousness to become distracted, then congratulations on achieving your voyage to the historic year of 2016. Tell us what the future holds, future-man!

Kind of like how “Urban Outfitters” is a generic term for a brand of poorly-made ugly clothing and merchandise that depends entirely on the low self-esteem of its hipster-wannabe patrons.

I hope so!

“Going to be smart” and “doing a power hour” in the same paragraph? Impressive.

This family is in dire need of