
Interesting, i am kind of lost as i don't think i can tell the difference between breathing with my chest or diaphragm.

I don't use my microwave much, I don't own a toaster oven. I do however own a toaster that has 2 settings (the dial is just there for looks apparently) "pale toast" and "take the battery out of the smoke detector"
I want a toaster revolution!

Every time I read the words "forcible rape"

She's not going to like how the book ends.

If you think referencing the Neverending Story makes up for making me aware of that Aaron Carter video, you are mistaken.

Thank you!

What horrible things did Arizona ever do to deserve her?

I can't with this eye brow situation.

People keep saying mispronounced. Ellen mispronounced it. Travolta straight made up a new name. His name is now Javert Tromblotvent.

No, dude.

so who are all these idiot Arizonan bakers who are intentionally turning away customers I want to do long form interviews with them to understand why they're so bad at business

Ha! True. Yeah, that is definitely a perk of an RCS (also: planning out, so no surprises), but despite a perfectly lovely experience last time, I'm still hoping to avoid it this time around. (A big reason is actually the fact that I will have an almost 3 year old this time around, and my husband doesn't have paternity

they haven't even confirmed it's a virus...and making fun of anti-vaxxers is ALWAYS appropriate.

Would have cost more than the hospital visit.

this is terrifying for me as a person who could not tell contractions from gas. how would you know? that is a crazy story. how does one even get placenta out of upholstery

I think this is the fault of Big Pharma, pumping toxins into our children's bloodstreams. Clearly these kids need to eat more organic food. Also, they need to get some healing crystals. Healing crystals fix everything.

Anti-vaccers make me SO FUCKING ANGRY. Aside from all the anti-science bullshit, your kid is not more important than everyone else's kid.

My scifi inclination is telling me that those anti-vaccer's have allowed the polio virus to incubate and mutate in humans, such that the efficacy of the old vaccine is diminished.