
I've been pining for one of those. I feel certain they'll be very poplar.

I'm squinting, trying to imagine it twice as wide, with legs half as long, and a black modesty frill added to see what it would look like on me.

My apologies to Molepeople everywhere. This poster completely confirms your statement.

You can't prove a lack of something. This is a logical fallacy. I may have no proof a giant invisible doughnut is eating the souls of Molemen. But I have no proof that there isn't one.

Also a nice color. Truly, I have nothing against Sage. In fact, I once grew 30 varieties in my yard because I liked it so much. The ones with sky-blue flowers were my favorite, like Brazilian Bog Sage, or Salvia garanticia, "Black and Blue" sage. Betsy Clebsch's book "The New Book of Salvias" is a wonder. Sadly now, I

Um, sage is an herb, not a spice.

Sage = herb, not spice. Everyone is stupid. Sigh.

Is it mostly staring at you like a golden retriever who thinks you have a treat in your pocket and occasionally attempting human speech? That's what I imagine based on my "Lochte is a Golden Retriever cursed into human form by a witch" theory.

Between Oakland and Berkeley? You mean Narnia?

You gotta love it when the internet drags its nuts across some bigot's face. :D

People are always like, "How did you know I was from Pittsburgh?" Um, you opened your mouth and words came out.

It's not heavy buts it's Pittsburgh. There are certain ways of slurring and swallowing sounds that pop up in my speech when I'm tired. Becawse and abaat were my first two "Oh yeah"s. And inflections, yinzers go dahn STirs and everyone else goes down stairs.

This could totally be my grandmother. Even down to city of origin (if that's not a yinzer Pittsburgh accent I'll eat my hat). Hell, if her voice was a little higher and one if my cousins had finally come out I would assume it actually was Grandma. When my parents found out I was stripping ten years ago there were



And how is this night different from all other nights?

Labia little milk and sugar?

Twat would you like in your coffee?

Cosigned because I am a giant nerd who loves puns.

I hope she wins her case. Otherwise it would be a huge let-down.

If it isn't Juan thing, it's another with this guy.

Does getting the tetanus shot make your teenagers more likely to impale themselves on rusty nails? The answer may surprise you!