
What really chaps my ass is that the viability of that fetus should NEVER have mattered. She had wishes, they were clear, her tissue was kept alive anyway against her and her family's directives. Because GOD FORBID a fetus die because its mother was struck down by an embolism. This should have been the sad loss of

When your particular branch of Christianity holds up Leviticus to be literal truth, but only for homosexuality so we can all still go to Red Lobster, you have failed at the entire Christian endeavor. Condemning human beings for loving one another is pretty much the exact opposite of what that guy Jesus was preaching.

Dear Sherri

These bigoted religious nuts have to realize that NO we don't have to respect your bullshit beliefs. I will not stand back while you keep oppressing people in the name of your religion. Nope. Not all beliefs deserve equal treatment. Especially ones that actively destroy people's lives. Like actually destroy them

It'll also recommend when you might want to put on sunscreen or put on a hat.

But on the other hand, it's nice to have foreknowledge of which side is going to taste like cumin.

"That's not herpes"

You missed the best one and the reviews!

I'm going to assume you were murdered by Jenny McCarthy halfway through typing your reply. It was nice of her to submit it for you, though.

No, no... It's not a replacement. We recommend that you consume both caulk and balls.

Not any more.

Mossberg guns: built entirely by penises to substitute for yours.

"You got to marry these girls when they are about 15 or 16, they'll pick your ducks. You need to check with mom and..."

Urban Dictionary defines* it as the removal of dingleberries.

*Not YET, but it should...

I wonder if they have to take all the dicks off the string if you decide you want the one on the bottom.

That earring is inexcusable.

I was told there is no convincing evidence of an association between maternal caffeine intake and the birth defects. I wonder if that mom was (tragically) blaming herself and her coffee for something that was just a mystery.

I can tell you take your faith very seriously, particularly the commandment to love one another, and as a Christian, I appreciate that. However, your proclamation that your opinion on gay people's "sin" does not change how you feel about us (I am gay) is essentially meaningless. Imagine yourself in our position: