As I posted elsewhere:
As I posted elsewhere:
What on earth are you talking about?
With genes like those, he'll find someone like his mom.
Doesn't everyone know the best time to drink is WHILE YOU'RE ACTIVELY BREASTFEEDING?
There is far more nuance to the risks of sedation and anesthesia, but indeed, one would prefer to minimize exposure to anesthesia. The risk comes not necessarily from the anesthesia itself, but from the person administering it. An apt analogy would be flying a plane. It's pretty risky if the pilot hasn't trained at…
Being "put under" is usually synonymous with being put under general anesthesia. The medical terms are light, moderate, and deep sedation, and general anesthesia. Most people would consider moderate or deep sedation to be being "put under", as many have no recall of the experience. However, if you claim to have…
I truly doubt your surgeon was also a board-certified anesthesiologist; however, he probably had credentials or training that allowed him to administer moderate or deep sedation. Big difference.
Except for Rajeev. He was pretty awesome.
Sadly, it shouldn't require videos. People should be "smart enough" to believe medical experts, without requiring a 18-wheeler running them over.
That's a low blow
This is mostly all complete bullshit.
I feel obligated to point out that, in choosing not to vaccinate, one IS MOST DEFINITELY NOT making the right decision for ones kids. Forget about herd immunity and all the other poor kids. YOUR OWN KIDS NEED VACCINES.
FYI, ketamine is no more illegal than Oxycontin, Valium, etc. Just ends up that it's rarely prescribed, and thus its primary use ends up being illegal.
Chocolate has allowed me to point out the misuse of "it's" as well as the subject-verb disagreement ("flavonols" are plural).
Not to mention, that Paul Rudd scene is one of the best.
I would like to applaud you on using a gif from one of my favorite comedies of all time.
As a physician, I can easily recognize the botched cameltectomy and irresponsible hip and armpit grafting.
I disagree that it's standard for surgery to never see the person who operates on you. It's possible that the morning of surgery you didn't see him/her but highly unlikely you didn't see them the subsequent day or sometime before you were discharged. More likely is that the anesthetic drugs scrambled your memory a…