
1. I love to cook and have been cooking on a budget for like two years now, so I'm definitely used to that. I prefer eating at home anyway, so I don't think that'll be a hard adjustment to make.

The Germanic Studies course of study I'm planning to pursue is primarily philology and linguistics. Indiana University apparently has exceptional placement for Ph.D. recipients, at least within Germanic Studies, and teaching German at a university has been my dream for a while now. I'm prepared to do whatever it takes

I used to print out PDFs of gaming rulebooks, but then I got a tablet, which solved that problem. I still print out some school materials (study guides, papers, etc), but only when necessary. I'm normally studying around my computer anyway, so most of the time I just type everything up, and if my professor will let me

I'm most likely going to be in grad school at Indiana University in Bloomingon, IN starting in the fall. I'll be in the Germanic Studies Ph.D. program (well, getting a master's first). Does anyone have any advice for grad school in general, or being in Bloomington/at IU specifically?

Shirts, undershirts, underwear, socks: once

I'll be headed to grad school (Ph.D. program in German Studies) in the fall, though I don't know where yet because all the schools I applied to have yet to respond, though it seems fairly likely that I'll end up in Bloomington, IN. Any advice about living on an extremely tight budget, grad school in general, the

I use mine primarily for browsing the internet, reading PDFs (school stuff and tabletop gaming books), and taking notes in class. Of course I also do the typical social network and Google Reader consumption.

I've got a little stiff brush that came with my juicer for cleaning it, and it works wonderfully on my hand-held not-box grater, even if I let it sit for a while.

I've been using BeWeather for quite a while, primarily because of the widgets and the customizability thereof. WeatherBug seems way too cluttered for me.

Well that's a bit better than the 100MB I expected. Thanks!

They might be referring to file size limitations, which I've heard about before. I couldn't find any info about it on the site, though I also didn't look very hard. I also got in on the 50GB deal, but I was told (I can't remember by whom or where) that there was a 100MB file size limitation, which makes that

That makes sense, and I figured that's why most people would use Ctrl+L over F6, I just find it easier to remember for some weird reason.

Really? That's weird. Most of the ones I've seen still have them without a button combo, but I don't examine the keyboards super thoroughly every time I happen to be in an electronics store, so I guess I just don't really notice.

At least in Chrome, you can hit F6 to go straight to the address bar. Of course, just typing is quicker, but F6 might be good enough for some people (like me).

I'm still on a Motorola Atrix 4G, unfortunately, and part of the touchscreen digitizer is now messed up, rendering a vertical stripe on my screen unresponsive to touch. I recently unlocked the bootloader, rooted, and flashed CM 7.2, which is pretty nice and I regret not having done it sooner.

I added a shortcut to my Dropbox folder in my taskbar, and it works, but when I hover over it, it retains the name of the dummy file I made and whenever I right click it, it does nothing (regardless of whether the window is currently open or closed). Solution?

Link to the album:

Ishmael by Daniel Quinn

All of my yes. I completely agree with you. Ishmael is one of my all-time favorite books and it really changed my outlook on... pretty much everything.

The tipping bit for Germany isn't accurate, coming from someone who recently spent 5 months living there; or at the very least, it's inaccurate for Bavaria. Just like they suggest to round up taxi fares, it's also expected that if you tip (which isn't really necessary like it is in the US but still appreciated), you