
he screams at her until she cries. she doesn't owe him shit.

Every time I see a political comment on a non-political article:

Why bother adding pics if you’re just going to reuse the same one over and over?

The trick is to click the phone icon to the right of “New Conversation” input field. That will show you a list of your contact’s phone numbers. I know the tooltip says “Make a call” but that’s not all it does.

If there is, you’d have to explain it to me.

If there is, you’d have to explain it to me.

What if we’re already plenty broad?

Well, what a relief it must be to know you can mark that milestone off your list now. What other “worst ever” experiences do you have to share with us, dear visitor from the land of Facebook?

My theory is that the fish ate the tasty part and is using the rest as a cool raincoat. The jellyfish remains blissfully unaware.

Much appreciated. Us “over 30" schmucks should just pack it in.

That’s the spirit!

If you have to invalidate physics to justify your belief in a certain bra size algorithm, well, enjoy.

...In the form of two mad scientists, a synth, and an orphan who was kidnapped by aliens! :D

Just a quick FYI - my fiancee uses an app where she can ‘rent’ a certain number of audiobooks from the library. You can just download them onto your device and when you’re done, I guess it deletes? Sorry - not sure of the name of the app and I’m rambling. Anyway - check your local library they might have an app to

Guess this is a good time to tell you all that tomorrow (which happens to be my birthday) will be my last day writing at Lifehacker. It’s bittersweet, but I want to say thank you to all the great commenters here who have been part of my life for the last five years. I’ll still be around in the comments, though, and

Yep, good call. That’s exactly what it is. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

The package labels you read are all in grams. For example, this diet coke says “Protein: 0g” (not ounces or barleycorns or whatever)

And yet still no standalone twitter program for my desktop now that tweetdeck is gone. I have to use a browser or my phone. For my job having a real time feed right there on the desktop was HUGE. Thanks twitter for taking away functionality!

Paraphrasing a text exchange I read online:

I also just discovered that you can create playlist folders, under the file menu, by right-clicking in the playlists, or simply ctrl+shift+n. It might have been obvious to a lot but I somehow completely missed it! Incredibly handy to sort out your playlists, you can nest them and even listen to a whole folder at the